Scan AKS cluster using popeye ( tool as a Azure DevOps Pipeline . Popeye is a utility that scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations. It sanitizes your cluster based on what's deployed and not what's sitting on disk. By scanning your cluster, it detects misconfigurations and helps you to ensure that best practices are in place, thus preventing future headaches. It aims at reducing the cognitive overload one faces when operating a Kubernetes cluster in the wild. Furthermore, if your cluster employs a metric-server, it reports potential resources over/under allocations and attempts to warn you should your cluster run out of capacity.
- Resource Group Name
- AKS cluster Name
- K8s Namespace
- Azure service connection
- Update below variables in attached Azure DevOps Pipeline
RG-NAME: Resource Group of AKS cluster
AKS-NAME: AKS Cluster Name
NAME-SPACE: K8s Namespace
AZ-Connection: Azure Service Connection to connect azure cloud
- Its show in terminal output
- Results will be published as Junit test xml
- HTML format report can be downloaded as publish artifact