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MR-Net - Multiresolution Sinusoidal Neural Networks

MR-Net is a framework that implements the family of neural networks detailed in [1], and the components for training multi-stage architectures for multiresolution signal representation. These networks were first presented in [2].

This framework has three major components:


Here, you will find the implementations of M-Net, L-Net, S-Net, and a modified version of Siren [3] as we build on top of their sinusoidal layer. You can create instances of the MR-Net subclasses directly importing them from the mrnet module.


In the module signals, you will find the classes Signal1D and ImageSignal. They are subclasses of PyTorch Dataset and encapsulate the data fed to the network for training. In the module procedural, there are helper functions to generate procedural signals such as Perlin noise adapted to our datasets classes.

If you want to make your custom dataset, you could subclass BaseSignal or use the mentioned classes as a template to guide you.

The other modules contain helper functions to sample the signals, build the multiresolution structure, or make common operations such as color space transform.


In the module trainer, you will find the MRTrainer class, which encapsulates all the PyTorch code necessary for training a model for a certain amount of epochs, and manages the multiresolution structure for escalonated training of the networks. Without an MRTrainer instance, you must define when to add new stages to the network and how to train each stage.

Installation Instructions

MRNet was tested with Python3.9 and Python3.11.


We suggest using either Venv or Anaconda Environments.

Python Venv:

    python -m venv venv


    conda create -n mrnet python=3.11
    conda activate mrnet


On Windows systems:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

On Linux or Mac OS systems:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

After installing the dependencies, install the MR-Net package as follows:

    pip install git+

OBS: Note that this command installs MR-Net in your environment (Venv or Conda), therefore the files in the ./mrnet/ folder serve only as a reference for the package.


If you want to log your results to Weights and Biases, you should also install the wandb package:

    pip install wandb

If you want to run the sample Jupyter notebooks locally, please, follow the installation instruction from the Jupyter project page.

Using MR-Net

You can use any component of the MR-Net framework individually in your project. However, we provide a complete framework for training signals in multiresolution and a convenient way of changing the necessary hyperparameters for various experiments. Examples are available in the directory docs/examples:

The hyperparameters are listed in a YAML file. This way, you can configure many experiments without changing your code.



  • project_name: a name for a set of experiments; if logging into Weights and Biases, this will be the name of the project created.


  • model: the model subclass, M for M-Net; L for L-Net; S-Net, will be incorporated into this code later.
  • in_features: the dimension of the input layer (ex: 2 for an image)
  • out_features: the dimension of the output layer (ex: 3 for three color channels)
  • hidden_layers: number of hidden layers (ex: 1)
  • hidden_features: number of features in the hidden layers; should be a list with one value for each hidden layer (ex: [256]) or a list with a pair [input, output] for each hidden layer (ex: [128, 256]).
  • bias: boolean that states whether to have a bias in the first layer.
  • max_stages: maximum number of stages to be added to the network (ex: 3)

Frequency Initialization

  • omega_0: a list with 1 number for each stage of the network (ex: [16]); the range of frequencies from where we sample frequencies to initialize the first layer of the network.
  • hidden_omega_0: a list with 1 number for each stage of the network (ex: [16]); the range of frequencies from where we sample frequencies to initialize the hidden layers of the network.
  • period: a number; if period $\gt$ 0, the first layer of each stage will be initialized with integer multiples of this period, and the network will be periodic; otherwise, we draw frequencies from a "real" (floating-point) interval.
  • superposition_w0: if it is False, a frequency chosen in the initialization of a stage will not appear in the initialization of subsequent stages; it only works for periodic signals, where these frequencies are based on integers.


  • domain: a pair of numbers or a list of pairs of numbers (ex: [-1, 1] or [[-1, 1], [-2, 2]])
  • sampling_scheme: the sampling scheme used for the data; should be one of the values in: [regular, poisson]; regular applies regular sampling inside the domain interval; poisson applies Poisson disk sampling inside the domain;
  • decimation: a boolean (ex: True). If True, the signal will be downsampled by a factor of 2 after filtering (for pyramids); if False, it will not (for towers).
  • filter: the filter used to build a multiresolution structure (pyramid or tower); should be one of the values in [gauss, Laplace, none]
  • pmode: determines how the signal borders are handled; should be one of the valid values specified here.
  • attributes: at this moment, should be either ['d0', 'd1']. d0 corresponds to the signal value, and d1 corresponds to the signal gradient.


  • loss_function: one of the following, 'mse' - squared L2 norm of the signal value (d0) or 'hermite' linear combination of mse for the signal and gradient.
  • loss_weights: for 'hermite' use {'d0': 1, 'd1': 0.0}
  • opt_method: the optimizer class used for training; should be one of the values in: [Adam]
  • lr: a float (ex: 0.0001) for the learning rate used in the optimization.
  • max_epochs_per_stage: an integer (ex: 800) for the maximum number of epochs to train each network stage.
  • batch_size: an integer or an expression (ex: 128 * 128) for the number of samples (coordinates) of the signal used in each batch.
  • loss_tol: a float (ex: 1e-10); if the loss function reaches a value below loss_tol, the training of the current stage will be interrupted.
  • diff_tol: a float (ex: 1e-7); if the difference between the values of the loss function in two successive epochs is lower than diff_tol, the training of the current stage will be interrupted.
  • data_path: the path to the image file or numpy array file.
  • nsamples: a number (applies only for 1D signals).
  • width: an integer value (ex: 128) representing the width of the image signal; if it is greater than zero, the image will be resized; otherwise, its original size will be preserved.
  • height: an integer value (ex: 128) representing the height of the image signal; if it is greater than zero, the image will be resized; otherwise, its original size will be preserved.
  • channels: an integer value (ex: 3) representing the number of channels in the signal; should match out_features. Use 0 to have it automatically computed in the examples.
  • color_space: RGB; for valid values, see: Pillow docs


  • logger: should be wandb to log results to Weights and Biases service or a path to a local directory to save the results locally.
  • device: device used for computation during training (ex: cuda).
  • eval_device: device used for computation during inference for logging results (ex: cpu).
  • visualize_grad: a boolean (ex: True) representing whether it should generate visualizations of the magnitude of the gradients of the signal.
  • extrapolate: a pair of values representing an interval to visualize the learned signal (ex: [-2, 2]); in higher dimensions, you can specify a pair for each direction (ex: [[-2, 2], [-3, 3]] would be $[-2, 2] \times [-3, 3]$)
  • zoom: a list of numbers (ex: [2, 4]); for each value $z$ in the list, a visualization of the signal with a zoom factor of $z\times$ will be generated.
  • zoom_filters: a list of baseline filters for evaluation of the zoom quality; should have values from: ['linear', 'cubic', 'nearest']

Testing MR-Net

Testing MR-Net involves training a signal and inference of the model.


Training MR-Net to reconstruct a signal (1D, or image) consists of providing input data samples (i.e., pairs of coordinate and attribute values) to produce a continuous model representation given by the MR-Net.

Examples of Python code to train signals with MR-Net can be found in the directory ./docs/examples. These examples use configuration files in ./docs/configs.

1D signal example:
python docs\examples\
Image example:
python docs/examples/

The trained model is stored locally in the directory ./runs/logs/{model-name-dir}.


After training with MR-Net to create a signal representation, the model can be used to reconstruct the signal by evaluating the network at any continuous location in space and scale.

The jupyter notebook in ./docs/examples/ exemplifies the evaluation capabilities of MR-Net image model.

Evaluation example:
jupyter notebook
   (open docs\examples\eval-net.ipynb)

The notebook asks for the location of the configuration file and the trained model.


MR-Net can be extended by creating subclasses of the main classes, such as Signal, Sampler, OptimizationHandler, and ResultHandler.

An example of extending MR-Net with a new Sampler is given in the directory ./devel/.

The implementation of MyUniformSampler is in ./devel/ext/ The test of using this new sampler to train MR-Net is in ./devel/


[1] Hallison Paz, Daniel Perazzo, Tiago Novello, Guilherme Schardong, Luiz Schirmer, Vinícius da Silva, Daniel Yukimura, Fabio Chagas, Hélio Lopes, Luiz Velho. MR-Net: Multiresolution sinusoidal neural networks. Computers & Graphics, Volume 114, 2023, Pages 387-400.

[2] Hallison Paz, Tiago Novello, Vinicius Silva, Guilherme Shardong, Luiz Schirmer, Fabio Chagas, Helio Lopes, and Luiz Velho. "Multiresolution Neural Networks for Imaging". In Proceedings of SIBGRAPI, 2022.

[3] Vincent Sitzmann, Julien N.P. Martel, Alexander W. Bergman, David B. Lindell, and Gordon Wetzstein. Implicit neural representations with periodic activation functions. In Proc. NeurIPS, 2020.


If you use this repository in your research, consider citing it using the following Bibtex entry:

title = {MR-Net: Multiresolution sinusoidal neural networks},
journal = {Computers & Graphics},
volume = {114},
pages = {387-400},
year = {2023},
issn = {0097-8493},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Hallison Paz and Daniel Perazzo and Tiago Novello and Guilherme Schardong and Luiz Schirmer and Vinícius {da Silva} and Daniel Yukimura and Fabio Chagas and Hélio Lopes and Luiz Velho},
keywords = {Multiresolution, Level of detail, Neural networks, Imaging}


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