- Check weather a given number is positive or negative
- Even or Odd
- Factorial of a number
- Factors of a given number
- Print all prime factors of the given number
- Greatest of three numbers
- Leap Year or not
- Maximum and Minimum digit in a number
- Reverse digits of a number
- Sum of digits of a number
- Sum of first N natural numbers
- Sum of numbers in the given range
- Check if a number is palindrome or not
- Check if a number is prime or not
- Find all Palindrome numbers in a given range
- Prime numbers in a given range
- Check if a Number is Automorphic
- Check if a number is a strong number or not
- Check if a number is armstrong number of not
- Program to find roots of a Quadratic Equation
- Calculate sum of the elements of the array
- Count frequency of each element in an array
- Distance between Two Points
- Find all repeating elements in an array
- Find out whether the jet plane returns to the same position from where it took off.
- Find the largest number in an array
- Find the median of the given array
- Find the smallest number in an array
- Moves Zeros in Right side of Array
- Rat Count House
- Reverse a given array
- Rotate array by K elements – Block Swap Algorithm
- Search an element in an array(Binary Search)
- Search an element in an array(Linear Search)
- Second Smallest and Second Largest element in an array
- Sum of diviisble by 5 and 3
- Sum of not Divisble Intergers in Range
- Uno Number or Not
- Create Uno Number or Not
- Calculate frequency of characters in a string
- Create Calculate frequency of characters in a string
- Capitalize first and last character of each word
- Change case of each character in a string
- Check if a given string is palindrome or not
- Count number of vowels, consonants in String
- Count words in String
- Find Repeating characters of a String
- Find the ASCII value of a character
- Remove all vowels from the string
- Remove characters from a string except alphabets
- Remove spaces from a string
- Reverse a String
- Sum of the numbers in a String
- Check Two Linked List are Identical or not.cpp
- Check if Linked List is Sorted.cpp
- Count Number of Nodes in Linked List.cpp
- Delete Head of Linked List
- Delete Kth Postion in Linked List.cpp
- Delete Node with Key Value in Linked List.cpp
- Delete Node without Header.cpp
- Delete Tail of Linked List.cpp
- Detect Loop in Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Head Double Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Head of Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Kth Position of Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Kth Postion in Doubly Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Tail in Doubly Linked List.cpp
- Insert at Tail of Linked List.cpp
- Linear Search in Linked List.cpp
- Maximum Node Of Linked List.cpp
- Middle Node of Linked List.cpp
- Print Circular Linked List.cpp
- Print Doubly Linked List.cpp
- Printing Linked List.cpp
- Reverse Linked List.cpp
- Sum of Nodes in Linked List.cpp