Add it in your build.gradle (root) at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add it in your build.gradle (app):
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.visionplus-development:android-core-sdk:$latest_version'
// init sdk on .Application
VisionPlusCore.init(this) // required
// enable debug
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
// Global config
deviceId = "DEVICE ID", // required
token = "USER TOKEN", // we can define token later
// Module config: Device Limit
heartbeatIntervalMs = 5000, // in milliss
url = "URL" // full url
// Update token
VisionPlusCore.updateToken("USER TOKEN") // we can update token like this
val coreDeviceManager = VisionPlusCore.getDeviceManager()
coreDeviceManager.setOnFirstHeartbeatCallback { state ->
when (state) {
is ConcurrentPlayState.Ok -> {
// Concurrent Play Ok, user can proceed or play the video
is ConcurrentPlayState.DeviceLimitExceeded -> {
// Concurrent Play exceeded, may prompt user about that
// and call coreDeviceManager?.stop() if needed
is ConcurrentPlayState.Exception -> {
if (state.exception is SocketException) {
// socket exception happen, please do something or leave it empty to do nothing
// another exception checking, or just leave it empty to do nothing
coreDeviceManager.setOnContinuousHeartbeatCallback { state ->
when (state) {
is ConcurrentPlayState.Ok -> {
// Concurrent Play Ok, user can proceed or continue playing the video, or leave it empty to do nothing
is ConcurrentPlayState.DeviceLimitExceeded -> {
// Concurrent Play exceeded, may prompt user about that
// and call coreDeviceManager?.stop() if needed
is ConcurrentPlayState.Exception -> {
if (state.exception is SocketException) {
// socket exception happen, please do something or leave it empty to do nothing
// another exception checking, or just leave it empty to do nothing
coreDeviceManager.setOnStopHeartbeatCallback {
// stop player here
// start the heartbeat
// stop the heartbeat