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Code for “A Comparative Study of Graph Matching Algorithms in Computer Vison” (ECCV 2022)


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Graph Matching Benchmark

This repository contains the code necessary to run the graph matching benchmark for ECCV 2022 paper “A Comparative Study of Graph Matching Algorithms in Computer Vision”.


For all methods we build Linux containers so that the environment as well as the solvers are reproducible. The usage of containers makes it easy to run the benchmark on the local computer as well as in compute clusters.

The source code of each method is fetched from the Internet. For the case that source code is no longer online, we preserve a historical copy of the repositories. The container build scripts will pin each method to a specific version or commit id to preserve reproducibility.

To make local usage straight-forward we use Podman to create and run the containers. The containers also work with Docker, but using Podman has some nice usability advantages (no daemon necessary, possible to run it as unpriveleged user without setup).

For usage in HPC clusters we provide a small script to transform the Podman containers into singluarity containers (i.e. squashfs images). Additionally, we provide SLURM scheduling scripts so that everything can be scheduled in one run.

After running the benchmark the log files will be parsed and all datapoints will be written into an Sqlite database. We provide helper tools to work with the database. For example, we can export the data as JSON objects, check that all solvers were executed successfully, generate tables and plots, etc.

On important aspect is that running on HPC will sometimes create some hard to debug problems. We provide script to detect "anomalies" like non-deterministic runs or runs that were much slower than other runs. By purging those anomalies we can re-execute the affected trials on the HPC cluster to get consistent results.

Directory Structure

.              -> main helper scripts for building containers
├── bin        -> scripts meant to be executed
├── container  -> source definition for all containers
├── python     -> Python module code
└── slurm      -> batch scripts for usage with SLURM scheduler

Building and Running the Linux Containers

Make sure to have Podman (or Docker) installed. For the Matlab methods you will also need a Matlab license server in your network. If you do not have a Matlab license server available, you should comment out the line for the Matlab container in build-containers.

export MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER=port@hostname

If you enter podman images you should now see a list of gmbench/* container images.

To run the e.g. dd-ls0 method, you can spawn a new container and run the method:

podman run --rm -ti gm-benchmark/dd-ls
# Inside container:
dd-ls0 car 1 1

The above will obviously fail if no datasets are present. To make a folder with all datasets available inside the container you can use something like podman run --volume ./datasets/:/home/matlab/datasets --rm -ti gm-benchmark/dd-ls. This will make the dataset directory of the current directory available inside the container.

To run Matlab methods you should add the --env MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER to pass through the $MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable.

Command Line Arguments

For each method dd-ls0, dd-ls3, fm, etc. there is wrapper script availabe in the approriate container. Calling convention is always the same and the scripts all take the same arguments:

  1. dataset name (e.g. car)
  2. index of instance (from 1 to number of dataset instances)
  3. number of trial

Each method will store the results in the directory benchmark/$trial/$method/$dataset/$dataset$instance.

Log File Processing

Use the script bin/process-log to process the log files. There is a SLURM batch script available to process all log files (slurm/process-logs.batch).

The script will parse the log file with the correct parser and store the results in a JSON encoded file. The format of the file looks like this:

    "method": "dd-ls0",
    "trial": 1,
    "dataset": "car",
    "instance": 1,
    "datapoints": [
            "time": 0.000143729,
            "value": -1873.5035770000002,
            "bound": -2667.3177000000005,
            "assignment": [1, 2, 3, ...]
        { ... }

Running on HPC Cluster with SLURM scheduler

Running the benchmark on a HPC cluster has the advantage of being conveniently fast (depending on the size of the cluster). However, it also imposes additional problems: We loose control of the hardware and other cluster users can impact the performance of our compute node.

To counter these problems we did the following:

  1. Specify a SLURM partition consisting only of nodes with identical hardware specs.
  2. Copy input data from network filesystem to local filesystem before benchmarking. This is done inside the SLURM batch script.
  3. Specify --exclusive so that no other users are allowed on our nodes.
  4. Run fewer tasks than CPU threads available (so that different tasks do not compete for the memory bus).

We run the benchmark on nodes having two AMD EPYC 7702 2.0 GHz processor. One processor has 64 cores (2 SMT threads each). In total we have 128 cores (256 SMT threads). To schedule at max 32 tasks on such a node, we used the following SLURM parameters:

--partition $partition_name

If you want to run the benchmark on a different cluster, you will most like have to recompute these values (e.g. 256 cores / 32 tasks = 8 cpus-per-task) and change the preamble of the SLURM batch scripts in slurm/*.batch!

To export the singularity images, first build the Podman containers locally (./build-containers) and afterwards run ./build-images'. Use ./deploy-hpc username@hpchost:/path/to/workspace` to copy all necessary files to cluster (beware that it will use ˋrsync --deleteˋ).

On the HPC cluster change into the workspace directory and then run, for example, sbatch slurm/dd-ls.batch $trial. For each family of solvers there is a dedicated SLURM batch script. Note that you have to export the environment variable $MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER before calling sbatch if you want to run the Matlab methods.

Container Directory Structure

/usr/local/bin: Contains wrapper script for each method. E.g. in the dd-ls container there will be a wrapper script dd-ls0 that runs the benchmark for this specific method. It sets all necessary parameters and knows where the “real” executable is located. Most of the time there will be multiple wrapper scripts that call the same method with different parameters.

/usr/local/lib/gmbench: Contains helper functions that are sourced from above mentioned wrapper scripts.


Code for “A Comparative Study of Graph Matching Algorithms in Computer Vison” (ECCV 2022)






