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Solr Multi Language Results Hints

This extension displays a hint about search results in other languages of a website and provides a link to the search in the according language.

Screenshot of frontend

Compatibility and Maintenance

This package is currently maintained for the following versions:

TYPO3 Version Package Version Branch Maintained
TYPO3 11.5.x 3.x master Yes
TYPO3 8.7.x - 10.4.x 2.x - No
TYPO3 6.2.x 1.x - No


The extension was developed for Solr 11.5 and runs on TYPO3 11.5 LTS.

Installation with Composer:

composer require visol/solrmultilangresults

  • Activate extension
  • Add the Static TypoScript file and adapt the configuration if needed.
  • Make sure JQuery is installed in your website if you plan to use the bundled JS file.
  • Embed Resources/Public/JavaScript/SolrMultiLangResults.js to your website. An example can be found in the TypoScript file.
  • Make sure that a container <div class="solrmultilangresults-container"></div> is part of the page where you use the plugin. A good idea is to place it in the EXT:solr results template.
  • Add the plugin on the site that contains the Solr search plugin.


plugin.tx_solrmultilangresults {
	settings {
		# Languages to be excluded
		#excludedLanguages = 2,3


Developed by visol digitale Dienstleistungen GmbH,

Pull requests and improvements are welcome!