Currently, there are some great task runners and build tools to perform common tasks. The use of these tools to automate tasks is really awesome but falls short in some aspects and process. Just not intend to compete with Grunt, Gulp or Brocolli.
Just has a simple purpose and was developed based in personal needs to perform common tasks in my workflow on a simple way, far from extensive configuration files and a lightning-fast way to build my apps.
But you might ask: "Why don't you use Make?" Well, it's an option but I wanted to create a personal process to lead this automation. It never hurts to have more options, right?
So, let me introduce Just. :)
So far, Just can execute these following tasks:
- Compile and generate CSS files with Stylus.
- Bundle and Minify JavaScript files with Browserify and UglifyJS.
- Lint JavaScript and CSS files with JSHint and CSSLint.
- Run tests with Mocha (using Chai).
NOTE: this is a work in progress and I will likely add more functionality in the future. =]
1 - First of all, make sure you have Node.js installed.
2 - Clone this repository and create your project folder
$ git clone git:// projectname
$ cd projectname
3 - Run the makefile with node make
to build an initial structure. (optional)
4 - Profit! :)
- Build Application:
node just build
or./just.js build
- Process CSS files:
node just style
or./just.js style
- Process JS files:
node just script
or./just.js script
- Run unit Tests:
node just spec
or./just.js spec
Feel free to change the configuration to be whatever you want before run your tasks. You can find configurations in ./lib/config.js
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
style: {
src: './app/styles/style.styl', // Source CSS file to compile with Stylus
dest: './public/styles' // Compiled CSS file with Stylus
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
script: {
src: './app/scripts/app.js', // Source script file
dest: './public/scripts/bundle.js', // Generated file with browserify
min: './public/scripts/bundle.min.js', // Minified file before bundled with browserify
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optionally you could watch tests.
// Just pass a TRUE boolean value to .mocha() method
// Example:
// .mocha(config.spec.files, config.spec.log, true)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
spec: {
src: './app/spec/index.js', // Main script file to run unit tests
log: 'nyan' // Availables: run "mocha --reporters" on Shell
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optionally, you could add transforms.
// Just "config.transforms" as a param to .browserify() method
// Example:
// .browserify(config.script.src, config.script.dest, config.transforms)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
transforms: ['']
./just.js --help
or./just.js -h
for more details and instructions.
Feel free to contribute with this project or leave a suggestion.
This script was inspired by ./task.js and so many others articles from, 2ality and
MIT License © Vitor Britto