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MRISA (Meta Reverse Image Search API) is a RESTful API which takes an image URL, does a reverse Google image search, and returns a JSON array with the search results.


Install the necessary dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install certifi flask pycurl beautifulsoup4 flask_cors requests lxml

Start the server with:

python src/

There is also a docker image. Please note that this is a work in progress and any amends/fixes would be most welcome (Dockerfile is in the project root)

docker build -t "vivithemage/mrisa:latest" .
docker run -p 5000:5000 mrisa python mrisa/src/

Any issues with pycurl or lxml

If you have any issues relating to pycurl, it's likely dependancies are required.

sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev

That's also the case for lxml.

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Please note, these commands for apt based systems only so you will need to find the equivalents for other packaging systems.


Perform a Reverse Image Search

Performs a reverse image search using the supplied image URL as input.



  • image_url - A URL to an image to use for the search input.

Request Example


curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/search \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{


    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST',"http://localhost:5000/search");


    data= {
        "resized_images":false // Or true

    json = JSON.stringify(data);

    xhr.onreadystatechange = gotDetails;


    var gotDetails = () => {
        //Got The response

Python request example

import requests, json

url = "http://localhost:5000/search"

data = {
    "resized_images":False, # Or True

headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

#r.json to get the response as json

#r.text for no u'' characters

Response Example (for the above request)

Shortened to 3 resized_image objects out of 20

Expand to view
    "best_guess": "placeholder img",
    "descriptions": [
        "Just put your image size after our URL and you'll get a placeholder image. Like this: You can also use it in your code, like\u00a0...",
        "Custom URLs generate placeholder pictures in various sizes with categories and effects. ... Use the buttons above to create the type of image you need. You can\u00a0...",
        "689 \u00d7 300 - Apr 5, 2012 - If you're after a quick and easy way to produce flexible placeholder images for your site, check this out!",
        "350 \u00d7 150 - Which Image Formats Work? Placeholder work with GIF, JPEG, JPG or PNG formats. Just add an image extension to render the image in the format you want.",
        "350 \u00d7 150 - Apr 12, 2018 - I want to create an image with dynamic size like, below is the code to create image with golang: width = 350 height = 150 img\u00a0...",
        "350 \u00d7 150 - Apr 12, 2018 - I want to create an image with dynamic size like, below is the code to create image with golang: width = 350 height = 150 img\u00a0...",
        "450 \u00d7 150 - Jan 29, 2018 - packed-img-strip is a jQuery responsive equal height plugin which automatically ... 02, < img src = \"\" />\u00a0..."
    "links": [
    "resized_images": [
            "cb": 21,
            "cl": 21,
            "cr": 21,
            "ct": 21,
            "id": "6aNqqL0gKIoXoM:",
            "isu": "",
            "itg": 0,
            "ity": "",
            "oh": 540,
            "ou": "",
            "ow": 1900,
            "pt": "CSZ Home | CSZ CMS Starter",
            "rh": "",
            "rid": "UG-EsErbGOiH7M",
            "rt": 0,
            "ru": "",
            "s": "Caption One",
            "sc": 1,
            "st": "Softaculous",
            "th": 119,
            "tu": "",
            "tw": 422
            "cb": 21,
            "cl": 21,
            "cr": 21,
            "ct": 21,
            "id": "cESt2PZwCgUg6M:",
            "isu": "",
            "itg": 0,
            "ity": "png",
            "oh": 701,
            "ou": "",
            "ow": 1080,
            "pt": "Yakamoz Be\u015fikta\u015f K\u0131z \u00d6\u011frenci Yurdu |",
            "rh": "",
            "rid": "tzcWrjUMKPm9bM",
            "rt": 0,
            "ru": "",
            "s": "Yakamoz Be\u015fikta\u015f K\u0131z \u00d6\u011frenci Yurdu",
            "sc": 1,
            "st": "\u0130stanbul \u00d6zel Yurtlar | \u00d6\u011frenci Apart Rehberi",
            "th": 181,
            "tu": "",
            "tw": 279

        # 17 more...

            "cb": 21,
            "cl": 21,
            "cr": 21,
            "ct": 21,
            "id": "DZMVBEHnNZ1t7M:",
            "isu": "",
            "itg": 0,
            "ity": "",
            "oh": 302,
            "ou": "",
            "ow": 704,
            "pt": "Feetloaf on",
            "rh": "",
            "rid": "QHJzkyhwHYYHFM",
            "rt": 0,
            "ru": "",
            "s": "... ?  48HlyYz0hT69uvLAkMM9HDvtjRDKS ...",
            "sc": 1,
            "st": "",
            "th": 147,
            "tu": "",
            "tw": 343
    "similar_images": [
    "titles": [
        " - Quick & Simple Placeholder Images, Text & More",
        "PlaceIMG | Easy FPO and Dummy Images for Any Project",
        "Quick Tip: The Easiest Image Placeholder Tool I Have Found - WPMU ...",
        "Placeholder Images for Webmasters -",
        "image - Draw number like with golang - Stack Overflow",
        "image - Draw number like with golang - Stack Overflow",
        "jQuery Plugin For Responsive Equal Height Images - packed-img-strip ..."

Request Format

CURL request

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/search \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

Response Format

    "best_guess": "best guess for image",
    "descriptions": ["test description", "..."],
    "links": ["", "..."],
    "similar_images": ["http://test_image.jpg", "..."],
    "titles": ["test title", "..."],
    "resized_images": ["{
        'rh' : 'resource_host',
        'ru' : 'resource_url',
        'ou' : 'original_url of image',
        'oh' : 'orginal_height of image',
        'ow' : 'original_width of image',
        'ity': 'type of image',
        'tu' : 'thumbnail_url of image', # Generated by Google
        'th' : 'thumbnail_height',
        'tw' : 'thumbnail_width',
        's'  : 'summary',
        '...': '...'
        }", "..."]

Response In Detail


Best guess for the image


Descriptions from different sources


Links related to the image


URLs of similar images (According to Google)


List of titles from different sources (Related to that Image)

Resized Images (The same Image in different Sizes and from different Sources)

Request should contain


Usage Example

    'rh' : 'resource_host',
    'ru' : 'resource_url',
    'ou' : 'original_url of image',
    'oh' : 'orginal_height of image',
    'ow' : 'original_width of image',
    'ity': 'type of image',
    'tu' : 'thumbnail_url of image', # Generated by Google
    'th' : 'thumbnail_height',
    'tw' : 'thumbnail_width',
    's'  : 'summary',

CORS Support

    python src/ -c # or --cors

Will enable users to access API from other websites

Google Cloud Vision API

Visit this page for more details about it.

And have a look at the demo on that page

The returned json response can be used to detect:

  • Labels from an image

  • Text from the image and Where it's located (ISO-639-1 languages supported by Google)

  • Web entries

    • Visually similar Images
  • Dominant Colors from the Image

  • Safe Search Level

  • Landmark detection

  • Face detection (emotions etc..)

  • Logo detection

  • Crop Hints for the Image

⚠️ Using "cloud_api":true will only return data from Google's vision API but no more Meta Reverse Image Searching

Request examples

CURL Request

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/search \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

Response Format

Expand to view
  "labelAnnotations": [
      "mid": "/m/07s6nbt",
      "description": "text",
      "score": 0.9771333,
      "topicality": 0.9771333

    # more

  "textAnnotations": [
      "locale": "en",
      "description": "350 x 150\n",
      "boundingPoly": {
        "vertices": [
            "x": 108,
            "y": 56
          # 3 more

    # more

  "safeSearchAnnotation": {
    "adult": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
    "spoof": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
    "medical": "UNLIKELY",
    "violence": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
    "racy": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
  "imagePropertiesAnnotation": {
    "dominantColors": {
      "colors": [
          "color": {
            "red": 160,
            "green": 160,
            "blue": 160
          "score": 0.6644681,
          "pixelFraction": 0.021568628

        # more

  "cropHintsAnnotation": {
    "cropHints": [
        "boundingPoly": {
          "vertices": [
              "x": 104
              "x": 226
              "x": 226,
              "y": 149
              "x": 104,
              "y": 149
        "confidence": 0.79999995,
        "importanceFraction": 0.79999995

      # more

  "fullTextAnnotation": {
    "pages": [
        "property": {
          "detectedLanguages": [
              "languageCode": "en",
              "confidence": 1
        "width": 350,
        "height": 150,
        "blocks": [
            "boundingBox": {
              "vertices": [
                  "x": 108,
                  "y": 56
                # 3 more
            "paragraphs": [
                "boundingBox": {
                  "vertices": [
                      "x": 108,
                      "y": 56
                    # 3 more
                "words": [
                    "property": {
                      "detectedLanguages": [
                          "languageCode": "en"
                    "boundingBox": {
                      "vertices": [
                          "x": 108,
                          "y": 56
                        # 3 more
                    "symbols": [
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 108,
                              "y": 56

                            # 3 more

                        "text": "3",
                        "confidence": 0.99
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 121,
                              "y": 56

                            # 3 more

                        "text": "5",
                        "confidence": 0.99
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                          "detectedBreak": {
                            "type": "SPACE"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 138,
                              "y": 56

                            # 3 more

                        "text": "0",
                        "confidence": 1
                    "confidence": 0.99
                    "property": {
                      "detectedLanguages": [
                          "languageCode": "en"
                    "boundingBox": {
                      "vertices": [
                          "x": 165,
                          "y": 56

                        # 3 more

                    "symbols": [
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                          "detectedBreak": {
                            "type": "SPACE"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 165,
                              "y": 56
                            # 3 more

                        "text": "x",
                        "confidence": 0.99
                    "confidence": 0.99
                    "property": {
                      "detectedLanguages": [
                          "languageCode": "en"
                    "boundingBox": {
                      "vertices": [
                          "x": 190,
                          "y": 56
                        # 3 more
                    "symbols": [
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 190,
                              "y": 56
                            # 3 more
                        "text": "1",
                        "confidence": 1
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 208,
                              "y": 56
                            # 3 more
                        "text": "5",
                        "confidence": 0.99
                        "property": {
                          "detectedLanguages": [
                              "languageCode": "en"
                          "detectedBreak": {
                            "type": "LINE_BREAK"
                        "boundingBox": {
                          "vertices": [
                              "x": 226,
                              "y": 56
                            # 3 more
                        "text": "0",
                        "confidence": 1
                    "confidence": 0.99
                "confidence": 0.99
            "blockType": "TEXT",
            "confidence": 0.99
    "text": "350 x 150\n"
  "webDetection": {
    "webEntities": [
        "entityId": "/m/0jg24",
        "score": 0.7001,
        "description": "Image"


    "fullMatchingImages": [
        "url": ""

    # more

    "pagesWithMatchingImages": [
        "url": "",
        "pageTitle": " - Quick &amp;amp; Simple &lt;b&gt;Placeholder Images&lt;/b&gt;, Text &amp;amp; More",
        "fullMatchingImages": [
            "url": ""


    "visuallySimilarImages": [
        "url": ""


    "bestGuessLabels": [
        "label": "placeholder img",
        "languageCode": "en"

Google Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell


Any contributions are always welcome, so if you have made any improvemnts don't hesitate to get in touch - I don't bite :).


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the issues section.