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Angular2 Skeleton - new libs

Node, Express, TypeScript, Gulp, BrowserSync, Angular2 application.

Application contains backend server based on nodejs express with RESTFull interface and front-end angular2 application which implements Auth0 from authentification and authorization over JWTs (implemented as a service auth.service) and service to communicate with RESTFull interface. Angular2 application has routing and route guards implemented (AuthGuard.ts and usernewcandeactivateguard).

AuthGuard prevents user navigation to proteced in-app routes. usercandeactivateguard prevents user to re-route from usernewcomponent.ts when form is not pristine.


Must have node and npm installed

How to use

Install node dependencies in your project root directory (this is where the 'package.json' file is located) using:

$ npm install

Install typescript definitions using:

$ typings install

Start application with

$ gulp

Application will be initialy compiled and started. By default the server is listening on port 3036 and browser-sync is proxying from port 3000. Navigate to ´´´ http://localhost:3000 ´´´ to start the application.