This is a project created by students from Universidad Fidelitas
Consists in creating a mobile and web app for a gym and its customers.
This mobileapp purpose is to manage individually all status from each customer (weights, routines, account status, records, etc), also it will contain UGYM's next events and information discloseable to public (news, schedules, etc).
The webapp modules will be managed by administration at UGYM (owner, receptionist, trainers): Users, roles, hierarhies, events, customers, reports, etc.
- Jorge Gomez Solano _ nojodagoso
- Mario Baraquiso _ mariodres
- Oscar Morera Gonzalez _ oscarmorera
- Marco Lizano Rojas _ MLizano
- Valeria Monge Mora _ vmonge
For more information about our Web App, please visit: