Pair Programming and split the commits contributiuons.
For every commit Author and Commiter will be swapped, so 50% for each developer.
mkdir ~/.functions
git clone ~/.functions/pair
echo "source ~/.functions/pair/" >> ~/.bashrc
accepts github users and fetch your name and email from:
- local cache
- github api
pair bill karen
If you do not have a name or public email for these users pair
will show a command line so you can configure it manually, something like:
pair user_with_no_email
ERROR => You need to set Name and Email for user_with_no_email on Github, or run manually:
git config --global ''
git config --global 'Your Name'
git config --global ''
git config --global 'Your Name'
calls git in order to commit with all the params you wish and swaps author and committer for every commit.
pair commit -m 'Something changed'
prints something like:
If you don't want to use github users you can create your own config file by:
Add to you ~/.gitconfig
path = ~/.gitconfig.pair
Create a file ~/.gitconfig.pair
[pair "your-user"]
email =
name = Your Name
[pair "another-user"]
email =
name = Another Name
pair reset
I chose rspec as my test framework because I love it.
So I created some abstractions to deal with shell and make bash developer live easier.
Github defines some rules to contributions.
You need to fit in at least one of the following:
- You are a collaborator on the repository or are a member of the organization that owns the repository.
- You have forked the repository.
- You have opened a pull request or issue in the repository.
- You have starred the repository.