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Use Gemini Pro LLM via VertexAI to create an engaging quiz game incorporating TMDB API data

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Gemini Movie Detectives API


Gemini Movie Detectives harnesses Google's AI to revolutionize educational gaming, transforming movie trivia into a proof-of-concept gateway for AI-driven, adaptive learning across all subjects, challenging your inner movie nerd while showcasing how AI can reshape education in schools and universities.

Try it yourself:


The backend infrastructure is built with FastAPI and Python, employing the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methodology to enrich queries with real-time metadata. Utilizing Jinja templating, the backend modularize prompt generation into base, personality, and data enhancement templates, enabling the generation of accurate and engaging quiz questions in different game modes. Each game mode uses a different combination of data source showcasing the broad range of possibilities how to employ advanced Gemini applications.

In addition to Gemini, the application leverages Google's state-of-the-art Text-to-Speech AI to synthesize quiz questions, dramatically enhancing the immersive atmosphere of a professional trivia game show. Moreover, the Sequel Salad game mode demonstrates the power of AI integration by utilizing Gemini to generate creative prompts. These prompts are then seamlessly fed into Google's cutting-edge Imagen text-to-image diffusion model, producing fake movie posters. This sophisticated interplay of various AI models showcases the limitless potential for creating captivating and dynamic game experiences, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in interactive entertainment.

The application's infrastructure is further strengthened by the integration of Google Firebase. This integration enables secure user authentication, facilitating personalized interactions within the app. Firestore is used to store and manage essential user data, powering the dynamic rendering of user profiles with game statistics. Additionally, it handles crucial metadata, including movie franchise information and game mode usage metrics together with configurable limits, allowing for precise control over daily operational costs.


The frontend is powered by Vue 3 and Vite, supported by daisyUI and Tailwind CSS for efficient frontend development. Together, these tools provide users with a sleek and modern interface for seamless interaction with the backend.


In Movie Detectives, quiz answers are interpreted by the Language Model (LLM) once again, allowing for dynamic scoring and personalized responses. This showcases the potential of integrating LLM with RAG in game design and development, paving the way for truly individualized gaming experiences. Furthermore, it demonstrates the potential for creating engaging quiz trivia or educational games by involving LLM. Adding and changing personalities is as easy as adding more Jinja template modules. With very little effort, this can change the full game experience, reducing the effort for developers. Try it yourself and change the AI personality in the quiz configuration.

Movie Detectives tackles the challenge of maintaining student interest, improving knowledge retention, and making learning enjoyable. It's not just a movie quiz; it’s a glimpse into AI-enhanced education, pushing boundaries for accessible, engaging, and effective learning experiences.



demo bttf trivia Game mode: Back to the Future Trivia

demo profile User profile

demo sequel salad Game mode: Sequel Salad

Frontend: gemini-movie-detectives-ui

Tech stack and project overview

  • Python 3.12 + FastAPI API development
  • httpx for TMDB client implementation
  • Jinja templating for modular prompt generation including personalities
  • Pydantic for data modeling and validation
  • Poetry for dependency management
  • Docker for deployment
  • Firestore for storing user data, quiz usage and limit management as well as managing the list of franchises for the Sequel Salad game mode
  • Firebase for user authentication
  • TMDB API for movie metadata
  • Wikipedia for fetching data from Wikipedia to add more context to the generation process, especially for movie fun facts and Back to the Future trivia
  • Gemini via VertexAI for generating quiz questions and evaluating answers
  • Imagen via VertexAI for generating fake movie posters
  • Ruff as linter and code formatter together with pre-commit hooks
  • Github Actions to automatically run tests and linter on every push

system overview Movie Detectives - System Overview


The project includes a Makefile with common tasks like setting up the virtual environment with Poetry, running the service locally and within Docker, running test, linter and more. Simply run:

make help

to get an overview of all available tasks.

make help make help

Project setup

(Optional) Configure poetry to use in-project virtualenvs:

poetry config true

Install dependencies:

poetry install


Please check the Configuration section to ensure all requirements are met.

poetry run fastapi dev gemini_movie_detectives_api/
curl -s localhost:8000/movies | jq .



  • TMDB API key (can be generated for free)
  • GCP project with TTS and VertexAI API enabled and access to Gemini (gemini-1.5-pro-001 or gemini-1.5-flash-001) and Imagen (imagegeneration@006)
  • Firebase project with authentication and Firestore enabled
  • JSON credentials file for GCP Service Account with VertexAI permissions
  • JSON credentials file for Firebase Service Account with write permissions

The API is configured via environment variables. If a .env file is present in the project root, it will be loaded automatically. The following variables must be set:

  • TMDB_API_KEY: The API key for The Movie Database (TMDB).
  • GCP_PROJECT_ID: The ID of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project used for VertexAI and Gemini.
  • GCP_LOCATION: The location used for prediction processes.
  • GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: The path to the service account file used for authentication with GCP.
  • FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: The path to the service account file used for authentication with Firebase.

There are more config variables with defaults, which can be used to adjust the default API behavior.

The necessary documents within Firestore are created automatically when the API is started for the first time. The limits and franchises can be adjusted in the Firestore console.


Gemini model

The default model used for Gemini is gemini-1.5-pro-001. To use a different model, simply adjust the GCP_GEMINI_MODEL in the .env file. For this use-case, also the Flash model delivers good results and might be a cost-efficient alternative.



The API uses the Python logging module and optionally supports Cloud Logging to allow for log analysis and monitoring via Google Cloud. To enable Cloud Logging, set the GCP_CLOUD_LOGGING_ENABLED environment variable to true. Ensure that the provided Service Account, which belongs to the JSON credentials file set as GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, has the necessary permissions (e.g. role: Logs Writer) to write logs to Cloud Logging.

Google Cloud Logging Google Cloud Logging


All Docker commands are also encapsulated in the Makefile for convenience.


docker build -t gemini-movie-detectives-api .


docker run -d --rm --name gemini-movie-detectives-api -p 9091:9091 gemini-movie-detectives-api
curl -s localhost:9091/movies | jq .
docker stop gemini-movie-detectives-api

Save image for deployment

docker save gemini-movie-detectives-api:latest | gzip > gemini-movie-detectives-api_latest.tar.gz

Gemini interaction

Gemini interaction is encapsulated in the GeminiClient class. To ensure a high quality of prompt responses and to avoid unnecessary parsing issues. The GeminiClient class uses the Gemini JSON format mode.


This ensures Gemini replies with valid JSON, whereas the schema is attached to the individual prompt, for example:

Reply using this JSON schema:

{"question": str, "hint1": str, "hint2": str}

- question: your generated question
- hint1: The first hint to help the participants
- hint2: The second hint to get the title more easily

This approach is then combined with Pydantic models to ensure the correctness of datatypes and the overall structure:

    def _parse_gemini_answer(gemini_reply: str) -> TitleDetectivesGeminiAnswer:
            return TitleDetectivesGeminiAnswer.model_validate(from_json(gemini_reply))
        except Exception as e:
            msg = f'Gemini replied with an unexpected format. Gemini reply: {gemini_reply}, error: {e}'
            raise ValueError(msg)

This is a great example how to programmatically interact with Gemini, ensure the quality of the responses and use a LLM to cover core business logic.

API example usage

Get a list of movies

curl -s localhost:8000/movies | jq .

Get a random movie

curl -s localhost:8000/movies/random | jq .
  "adult": false,
  "backdrop_path": "/oe7mWkvYhK4PLRNAVSvonzyUXNy.jpg",
  "belongs_to_collection": null,
  "budget": 85000000,
  "genres": [
      "id": 28,
      "name": "Action"
      "id": 53,
      "name": "Thriller"
  "homepage": "",
  "id": 359410,
  "imdb_id": "tt3359350",
  "original_language": "en",
  "original_title": "Road House",
  "overview": "Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.",
  "popularity": 1880.547,
  "poster_path": "/bXi6IQiQDHD00JFio5ZSZOeRSBh.jpg",
  "production_companies": [
      "id": 21,
      "logo_path": "/usUnaYV6hQnlVAXP6r4HwrlLFPG.png",
      "name": "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer",
      "origin_country": "US"
      "id": 1885,
      "logo_path": "/xlvoOZr4s1PygosrwZyolIFe5xs.png",
      "name": "Silver Pictures",
      "origin_country": "US"
  "production_countries": [
      "iso_3166_1": "US",
      "name": "United States of America"
  "release_date": "2024-03-08",
  "revenue": 0,
  "runtime": 121,
  "spoken_languages": [
      "english_name": "English",
      "iso_639_1": "en",
      "name": "English"
  "status": "Released",
  "tagline": "Take it outside.",
  "title": "Road House",
  "video": false,
  "vote_average": 7.14,
  "vote_count": 1182,
  "poster_url": ""

Start a Title Detectives quiz

curl -s -X POST localhost:8000/quiz/title-detectives \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"quiz_type": "title-detectives"}' | jq .
  "quiz_id": "70ce5970-65bc-40b4-8b72-31a618254c63",
  "quiz_type": "title-detectives",
  "quiz_data": {
    "question": {
      "question": "Yo, movie buffs! This one's gonna be lit! Think of a horror flick where some reckless teenagers think they've hit the jackpot by breaking into a blind man's crib. Little did they know, this dude's got some serious secrets hidden inside. What am I talking 'bout?",
      "hint1": "This movie proves that sometimes, it's best to leave well enough alone.  Especially when it comes to messing with people's homes.",
      "hint2": "D_n'_t B_e_t_e"
    "movie": {...},
    "speech": "/audio/fc481314-6074-4654-94d5-6e967f20a313.mp3"

With the speech URL, you can get the result of the Google Text-to-Speech synthesis of the quiz question.

wget localhost:8000/audio/fc481314-6074-4654-94d5-6e967f20a313.mp3

Generated audio and image files are automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Send answer and finish a quiz

curl -s -X POST localhost:8000/quiz/70ce5970-65bc-40b4-8b72-31a618254c63/answer \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"quiz_id": "70ce5970-65bc-40b4-8b72-31a618254c63", "answer": "Don't Breathe"}' | jq .

Rate limit

In order to control costs and prevent abuse, the API offers a way to limit the number of quiz sessions per game mode and per day.

The limits are managed in Firestore and can be adjusted in the Firestore console.


The generated audio and image files by Google Text-to-Speech and Imagen are automatically deleted after 24 hours. The cleanup logic is handled in the TempDirCleaner class, which is scheduled via the apscheduler module.


Due to the modularity of the prompt generation, it is possible to easily switch personalities of the quiz master. The personalities are defined in Jinja templates in the gemini_movie_detectives_api/templates/personality/ directory.

Example: Dad Jokes Dad personality

dad jokes