Tic-Tac-Toe - tictactoe/
Oldie but goodie 3 by 3 noughts against crosses with 4 different built-in AIs. Good luck trying to beat them ;)
Check out the ?
button the visualizes the current game graph as seen by the AI algorithm.
Sheriff Chase - sheriff/
Implementation of value iteration, policy iteration and Q learning algorithms that search for the optimal policy. The game is a simple deterministic implementation of an OpenAI gym environment extended to Markov Decision Process.
Game of Life - life/
Gray-Scott reaction diffusion system and a simple cellular automaton with a fancy history fading visualization bundled in one compact application.
Tetris - tetris/
Yet another clone of the greatest game of all time. Peppered up with fancy tetrimino bouncing animation.
Fourplay - fourplay/
Logical game for two with a quite-hard (but not impossible) to beat AI. One algorithm uses depth first search with branch pruning of obviously wrong choices for speed-up and looks 8 moves ahead.
Maze - maze/
Maze typically found in a children's magazine generated by a stochastic DFS algorithm. This guarantees that the end of the maze is always hard to get to. Also check out the fancy ball animations :)
Minesweeper - minesweeper/
Clone of the only good software produced by a certain Seattle company...
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