The TOS Java SDK enables Java developers to easily work with TOS(Tinder Object Storage) service in the volcengine. You can get started in minutes using Maven or by downloading a single zip file. This document will show developers some basic examples about TOS bucket and object operation. More details can be found in
- Java 1.8 or later
- Maven
This section introduces how to create a bucket, upload/download/delete an object in TOS service through our SDK.
You can interact with TOS service after initiating a TOSV2Client instance. The accesskey and secretkey of your account, endpoint and region are required as params.
String region = "region to access";
String endpoint = "endpoint to access";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
TOSV2 client = new TOSV2ClientBuilder().build(region, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey);
The bucket is a kind of unique namespace in TOS, which is a container to store data. This example shows you how to create a bucket.
String region = "region to access";
String endpoint = "endpoint to access";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
String bucket = "your bucket name";
TOSV2 client = new TOSV2ClientBuilder().build(region, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey);
CreateBucketV2Input input = new CreateBucketV2Input().setBucket(bucket);
CreateBucketV2Output output = client.createBucket(input);
System.out.println("Created bucket location is " + output.getLocation());
} catch (TosException e) {
System.out.println("Create bucket failed");
You can put your file as an object into your own bucket.
String region = "region to access";
String endpoint = "endpoint to access";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
String bucket = "your bucket name";
TOSV2 client = new TOSV2ClientBuilder().build(region, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey);
String data = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?,./ :'1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?,./ :'";
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes());
String key = "object-crud-"+System.currentTimeMillis();
PutObjectBasicInput basicInput = new PutObjectBasicInput().setBucket(bucket).setKey(key);
PutObjectInput input = new PutObjectInput().setPutObjectBasicInput(basicInput).setContent(stream);
PutObjectOutput output = client.putObject(input);
System.out.println("Put object success, the object's etag is " + output.getEtag());
} catch (TosException e) {
System.out.println("Put object failed");
You can download objects in the TOS bucket through our SDK.
String region = "region to access";
String endpoint = "endpoint to access";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
String bucket = "your bucket name";
String key = "your key name";
String filePath = "your local file name to store downloaded file"; // eg. "/home/user/aaa.txt"
TOSV2 client = new TOSV2ClientBuilder().build(region, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey);
GetObjectV2Input input = new GetObjectV2Input().setBucket(bucket).setKey(key);
try (GetObjectV2Output object = client.getObject(input);
FileOutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(filePath)) {
if (object.getContent() != null) {
int once, total = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
InputStream inputStream = object.getContent();
while ((once = > 0) {
total += once;
writer.write(buffer, 0, once);
System.out.println("object's size is " + total + " bytes");
} else {
// return null if key not exist
System.out.println("key " + key + " not found");
} catch (TosException | IOException e) {
System.out.println("getObject error");
Your can delete your objects in the bucket.
String region = "region to access";
String endpoint = "endpoint to access";
String accessKey = "your access key";
String secretKey = "your secret key";
String bucket = "your bucket name";
String key = "your key name";
TOSV2 client = new TOSV2ClientBuilder().build(region, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey);
DeleteObjectInput input = new DeleteObjectInput().setBucket(bucket).setKey(key);
try {
DeleteObjectOutput output = client.deleteObject(input);
System.out.println("Delete success, " + output);
} catch (TosException e) {
System.out.println("Delete failed");