ESP32 Impedance Analyzer for Elektor magazine Jul/Aug 2023. Translations: NL, DE, FR.
This repository contains the sources for the project.
- nwa2.m controls the ESP32 via the serial line from octave.
- serialReadline.m reads characters from the serial line until the end-of-line character '\n'.
- controls the ESP32 via the serial line from Python3.
- esp32_impedance_analyzer_serial contains (Arduino-IDE) sources for the program that runs on the ESP32, which is controlled via the serial line.
- esp32_impedance_analyzer_websockets contains (Arduino-IDE) sources for the program that runs on the ESP32, which publishes the controlling webpage itself. The webpage is stored in the /data subdirectory inside. Don't forget to adapt the WLAN credentials.
Have fun!
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