The Matlab scripts prepare the plots shown in the forthcoming report
- E. Waagard, V. Ziemann: Emittance growth of kicked and mismatched beams due to amplitude-dependent tune shift, arxiv:2203.09259 and Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25 (2022) 054001.
that show the evolution of the beam centroids, the beam matrix and the emittance after injecting into a ring that contains non-linearities causing amplitude-dependent tune shift. The following image from the report may serve as an illustration
The purpose of the files
- Jmrs_sigma.m: calculates the 'tricky' integrals from the publication;
- plot_beamsize.m: prepares the plots. You only need to change the parameters of the injected beam at the top of the file;
- plot_amplitude.m: prepares Figure 1 from the report.
- simulation4D.m: simulation with transverse coupling