Interact with Voyager Index from the comfort of the command line.
Check to see if your machine arhcitecture is included in the releases page.
mkdir $HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get -v
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
For Windows, see this resource.
voy search portland
"city": "Portland",
"country": "United States",
"lon": "-122.67",
"lat": "45.52",
"id": 6782,
"population": 1207757,
"mbps": "25.86",
"beach": false,
"airport": true,
"elevation": 61,
"pollution": "27.61514529",
"palms": false,
"...": "...",
"...": "...",
"...": "...",
"uvjan": 207,
"uvfeb": 181,
"uvmar": 131,
"uvapr": 77,
"uvmay": 131,
"uvjun": 29,
"uvjul": 32,
"uvaug": 51,
"uvsep": 86,
"uvoct": 128,
"uvnov": 166,
"uvdec": 195,
"purchasingpower": "1.0894169998",
"povertyindex": 0,
"image": null
To build releases, enter:
./ main.go
Building 1/7: main.go-windows-amd64.exe
Building 2/7: main.go-windows-386.exe
Building 3/7: main.go-darwin-amd64
Building 4/7: main.go-linux-amd64
Building 5/7: main.go-linux-386
Building 6/7: main.go-linux-arm
Building 7/7: main.go-linux-arm64