This is a program that implements 4 common ciphers (Atbash, Caesar, Affine, & Viginere) to encode and decode text.
Encodes a message by reversing the alphabet.
- a simple map was used for quick lookups for each character
Encodes a message by replacing each letter with a different letter x units away.
- using the ASCII table you can add x to the current character's value
lowercase letters are in the range (a: 97 - z: 122)
if a value goes below 97 or extends past 122 you have to calculate the new value of the char
asciiNum = 122 - 97 % asciiNum + 1;
asciiNum = asciiNum % 122 + 97 - 1;
Encodes a message by mapping a letter to its numerical equivalent, applying a mathematical function, and then converting it back to a letter.
Encryption Function
E(x) = (ax+b) mod m
'key' consists of two values (a & b)
- a - must be prime to m (not have any factors in common with m)
- a - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25
- m = 26 (the letters of the English alphabet)
My values chosen: a = 17 b = 7
Decryption function
D(x)= a^-1 *(x-b) mod m
a^-1 is the modular multiplicative inverse
Modular multiplicative inverse
if neg res, make pos
- result = (result + m) % m;
Encodes a message by using a different Caesar cipher on each letter, where a key determines how much it increments.
- choose a key
- that key is repeated until it is as long as the message to encrypt
Encryption Function
E(x) = (x + k) mod 26
- x = num of letter of message to encode from map
- k = num of letter of key
Decryption Function
D(x) = (x - k) mod 26
- x = num of letter of message in cipher to decode from map
- Affine: allow user to select a (among possible choices) and b
- have to include # in order to use std::transform
in c++ you have to use getline(cin, variable_name) to get full string with spaces
getline won't function correctly unless input buffer is cleared before calling getline
- cin.clear();
- cin.sync();
- cin.ignore();
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
- ignores up to 256 characters before newline delimiter