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/ redux-filterlist Public archive

A Higher Order Component using react-redux for creating lists with filters, sotring, paginatinon, endless scroll etc.


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redux-filterlist is depreacted. I recommend to use instead


A Higher Order Component using react-redux for creating lists with filters, sotring, paginatinon, endless scroll etc.


npm install redux-filterlist --save


yarn add redux-filterlist

This package requiers next packages: react, redux, react-redux. Easy way to install:

npm install react redux react-redux --save


yarn add react redux react-redux

And next polyfills:

  • Promise
  • Array.prototype.includes
  • regeneratorRuntime

Examples are here.



reduxFilterlist is a decorator that provides list state and actions to component.

import {reduxFilterlist} from 'redux-filterlist'



Name Required Type Description
listId true String or Number the name of list and the key to where list's state will be mounted under the redux-filterlist reducer
loadItems true async Function should return Object { items: [/* Array of loaded data /], additional: {} / Additional info (total count etc.), can be null if not needed / } or throw LoadListError with Object { error / any, can be null if not needed */, additional }
additional false any Additional info (total count etc.) setted by default
sort false Object default sorting state of the list, should be an Object { param /* string, column id / , asc / boolean, asc or desc */ }
isDefaultSortAsc false Boolean default asc param after change sorting column (true by default)
appliedFilters false Object filters and their values that applied by default. Should be { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... }
initialFilters false Object filters and their values that sets after filter reset. Should be { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... }
alwaysResetFilters false Object filters and their values that sets after every filters or sorting change. Should be { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... }
saveFiltersOnResetAll false Array filters names that not reset after resetAllFilters call. Should be [filterName1, filter2Name, ...]
saveItemsWhileLoad false Boolean by default items are cleared if filters or sorting changed. If saveItemsWhileLoad is true, previous list items are saved while load request is pending
onBeforeRequest false (listState, props, actionType) => void hook that called before each items request. See below
autoload false Boolean configure initial loading process
getStateFromProps false (componentProps: Object) => { filters?: Object; appliedFilters?: Object; sort?: { param?: string; asc: boolean } } changes filters, applied filters and sorting on init and props change. E.g. if list should change own state on location change
shouldRecountState false (nextComponentProps: Object, prevComponentProps: Object) => boolean if defined, getStateFromProps will be called on component props change only if shouldRecountState returned true

All params except for listId can be redefined with component props.

List state

Param Description Type
loading is list loading in this moment Boolean
items loaded items Array
additional additional info that can be recieved together with items any
error error that can be received if list not loaded any
sort sorting state of the list Object { param, asc }
filters current filters state on page (intermediate inputs values etc.) Object { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... }
appliedFilters applied filters Object { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... }
isDefaultSortAsc param from decorator Boolean
initialFilters param from decorator Object
alwaysResetFilters param from decorator Object
saveFiltersOnResetAll param from decorator Array
requestId internal Integer

Component props

Property Type Arguments Description
listId String or Number param from decorator
listState Object current state of list
loadItems Function loads more items to page
setFilterValue Function filterName, value sets filter intermediate value
applyFilter Function filterName applies filter intermediate value, clears list and loads items
setAndApplyFilter Function filterName, value sets filter values, applies that, clears list and loads items
resetFilter Function filterName resets filter value to it initial value, applies that, clears list and loads items
setFiltersValues Function Object { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... } sets multiple filters intermediate values
applyFilters Function Array [filterName1, filter2Name, ...] applies multiple filters intermediate values, clears list and loads items
setAndApplyFilters Function Object { filterName1: filterValue, filter2Name: filter2Value, ... } sets multiple filters values, applies them, clears list and loads items
resetFilters Function Array [filterName1, filter2Name, ...] resets filters values to them initial values, applies them, clears list and loads items
resetAllFilters Function resets all filters (without saveFiltersOnResetAll) values to them initial values, applies them, clears list and loads items
setSorting Function param, asc sets sorting column. If asc defined and Boolean, sets it. Otherwise, if this column differs from previous sorting column, asc will be setted with isDefaultSortAsc param from decorator. Otherwise, it will be reverse asc param from previous state.
resetSorting Function resets sorting. Sort param will be setted with null, asc will be setted with isDefaultSortAsc param from decorator.
deleteItem Function index, additional delete item with specified index from list. If additional defined, sets it.
updateItem Function index, item, additional update item by specified index. If additional defined, sets it.


Stores lists states.

import {reducer as reduxFilterlistReducer} from 'redux-filterlist'

Should be mounted to reduxFilterlist in root reducer.

const reducers = combineReducers({
  reduxFilterlist: reduxFilterlistReducer,

const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers)


Returns a list reducer that will also pass each action through additional reducers specified. In first argument takes an object with keys is lists ids and values is additional reducers that calls after each action dispatch if list mounted.

Should be mounted to reduxFilterlist in root reducer instead of original reducer.

const reducers = combineReducers({
  reduxFilterlist: reduxFilterlistReducer.plugin({
    pluginList: (state, {type, payload}) => {
      switch (type) {
        case CHECK:
          return {
            items: => {
              if ( === payload.carId) {
                return {
                  checked: payload.checked,

              return car

          return state

const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers)


PropTypes of decorated component.

import {reduxFilterlist, filterlistPropTypes} from 'redux-filterlist'

const List = (props) => {

List.propTypes = {


Customization of list PropTypes

import {reduxFilterlist, filterlistPropTypes} from 'redux-filterlist'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const List = (props) => {

List.propTypes = {
    // PropTypes for all items from list state
    // PropTypes.any by default
    item: PropTypes.shape({
      id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

    // PropTypes for `additional` from list state
    // PropTypes.any by default
    additional: PropTypes.shape({
      count: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

    // PropTypes for `error` from list state
    // PropTypes.any by default
    error: PropTypes.shape({
      status: PropTypes.oneOf([

      message: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

    // PropTypes from `filters` and `appliedFilters` from list state
    // PropTypes.object by default
    filters: PropTypes.shape({
      page: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      pageSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
      query: PropTypes.string,



Hook that called before each items request. Recives next arguments:

  1. state of current list
  2. props of component
  3. type of change list action

Action types:

  • setStateFromProps
  • setAndApplyFilter
  • setFilterValue
  • setFiltersValues
  • setAndApplyFilters
  • setSorting
  • resetSorting
  • resetAllFilters
  • resetFilters
  • applyFilters
  • resetFilter
  • applyFilter
  • loadItems
  • loadItemsOnInit


For unit testing you can export component and decorated component separately, e.g.

import { reduxFilterlist } from 'redux-filterlist';

export class ListComponent extends Component {

export default reduxFilterlist({

Then, in you test file you can simulate various states using filterlistProps.

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';

import { filterlistProps } from 'redux-filterlist/lib/fixtures'; // <---------

import { ListComponent } from '../list';

test('should render without crash', () => {

test('should render preloader in loading state', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(
        loading: true,

  // check if preloader is rendered

test('should render items', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(
        items: [
          // items of list

  // check rendered items

Getting Started

Step #1

Connect redux-filterlist reducer.

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { reducer as reduxFilterlistReducer } from 'redux-filterlist'

const reducers = {
  // ... your other reducers here ...
  reduxFilterlist: reduxFilterlistReducer,

const reducer = combineReducers(reducers)
const store = createStore(reducer)

Step #2

Decorate your list component with reduxFilterlist(). This will provide your component with props that provide information about list state and functions to filtration, sorting, loading and others.

import React from 'react'

import { reduxFilterlist } from 'redux-filterlist'

const List = ({
  listState: {
}) => (

          }) => (
            <tr key={ id }>
              <td>{ id }</td>
              <td>{ brand }</td>
              <td>{ owner }</td>
              <td>{ color }</td>

      additional && (
          Total: { additional.count }

      loading && (

 * assuming the API returns something like this:
 *   const json = [
 *     {
 *       id: 1,
 *       brand: 'Audi',
 *       owner: 'Tom',
 *       color: 'yellow',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       id: 2,
 *       brand: 'Mercedes',
 *       owner: 'Henry',
 *       color: 'white',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       id: 3,
 *       brand: 'BMW',
 *       owner: 'Alex',
 *       color: 'black',
 *     },
 *   ]

export default reduxFilterlist({
  listId: 'simple',
  loadItems: () => fetch('/cars')
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((cars) => ({
      items: cars,
      additional: {
        count: cars.length,


An example here.


A Higher Order Component using react-redux for creating lists with filters, sotring, paginatinon, endless scroll etc.







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