This repository provides code for the experiments in Sample-Level Weighting for Multi-Task Learning with Auxiliary Tasks (
Before running experiments, make sure the required dependencies are installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the experiments on your own device, make sure to unpack all files (folders as well).
The results of the experiments will be automatically logged to Weights and Biases Make sure to create an account before starting the experiments.
To run benchmark experiments with different dynamic weighting algorithms on different (semi) synthetic and real-world datasets, run the file.
Before running the code, specify the configuration in the dictionary provided in the file. The meaning of each parameter is discussed below.
For example configurations, please check the Examples folder.
Task_Weighting_strategy: specifies the dynamic weighting method.
- Supported values: AlgType.SLgrad.value, AlgType.Unif.value, AlgType.Olaux.value, AlgType.CAgrad.value, AlgType.Gnorm.value, AlgType.PCGrad.value
Dataset: specifies the dataset the experiments are conducted on.
- Supported values: DataName.Multi_MNIST.value, DataName.CIFAR10.value, DataName.Toy_reg.value, DataName.NYUv2.value
Number_of_Tasks: specifies the number of tasks to train. Note that the "main task" automatically corresponds to task 0.
- Supported values: [1, inf[ for DataName.Toy_reg.value and dataset specific for CIFAR10, Multi_MNIST and NYUv2.
input_dimension: specifies the input dimension of the input tensors (corresponding to the number of features).
- Supported values: [1, inf[ in principle. See examples for specific experiments.
output_dimension_task1 and output_dimension_task2: specify the output dimensions of tasks 1 and 2 respectively (for toy experiments only).
- Supported values: [1, inf[ in principle. See examples for specific experiments.
Batch_Size and val_Batch_Size: specify the batch size of the training and validation set respectively. If task weighting strategy not equal to SLGrad, the batch_size should correspond to the size of the validation set
- Supported values: [1, inf[ in principle: to be optimized.
Number_of_Shared_Layers and Dim_of_Shared_Layers: specify the number and dimension of backbone layers shared by all tasks.
- Supported values: [1, inf[ in principle: to be optimized. See examples and paper for specific experiments.
Number_of_Task_Layers and Dim_Task_Layers: specify the number and dimension of task specific backbone layers.
- Supported values: [1, inf[ in principle: to be optimized. See examples and paper for specific experiments.
Optimizer: specifies the torch optimizer used to train the models.
- Supported values: 'sgd' or 'adam' which will initialize torch.optim.SGD and torch.optim.Adam respectively
beta_1_backbone and beta_2_backbone: specifies the beta 1 and beta 2 values for torch.optim.Adam if necessary.
- Supported values: ]0, 0.99], to be optimized.
Learning_Weight: specifies the learning rate used by the optimizer
- Supported values: any appropriate learning rate, to be optimized. See examples for specific experiments
Onlymain: specifies whether only the main task is noisy or all tasks. Only to be specified when "noise" > 0
- Supported values: True, False
Noise: specifies percentage of noise (only compatible with Toy and CIFAR10 experiments)
- Supported values: [0,1]
random_seed: specifies random state for reproducibility
- Supported values: any positive integer
Regression: specifies if generated toy data corresponds to regression tasks or classification tasks (to be specified only if Dataset is Toy_reg)
- Supported values: True, False
UNI: specifies if labels are flipped in uniform way or to background class (to be specified for CIFAR10 label flip experiments)
- Supported values: True, False
If you use this codebase or any part of it for a publication, please cite:
title={Sample-Level Weighting for Multi-Task Learning with Auxiliary Tasks},
author={Emilie Grégoire and Hafeez Chaudhary and Sam Verboven},
For any questions about the code or paper, feel free to contact
Although most of the code has been implemented by us, we do rely on open-source repositories like [1] and [2]. We provide all references in the code-specific folders and thank all contributors for sharing their code.
[1] Baijiong Lin and Yu Zhang (2022). LibMTL: A Python Library for Multi-Task Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.14338_. Github:
[2] Ozan Sener and Vladlen Koltun (2018). Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization. Advances in neural information processing systems, 31. Github: