Installation Instructions:
- You must have Ruby and Rails installed in your system. (Since it's ruby on rails, expecting it's already installed).
- Clone the project to your PC and login to your terminal/command prompt and change the directory to the Project Folder and and starts the server with "rails s"
- Now that the website is up and running, you have to login, after logging in,
- "rails c" in the command prompt
- @user=User.first/second.... (will show user details)
- @user.role=1 (sets user as admin/moderator)
- Now your first/second account you logged in with is the admin and can add clubs/events.
Features Demo Video:
PS: Google Calendar API is in the project but google signin for some reason isn't working. That's why when you click on the calendar there's only a blank screen with no errors because the screen is waiting for the google account to display the calendar linked to its account.