- npm install -g browser-sync
- npm install
- components
- Reusable components
- Do not use services
- Use Data In / Event Out
- components-composite
- Compose components from re-usable components
- Can use services and application specific business logic
- Can be used in multiple containers
- containers
- These are your routables
- Can use components and composite-components
- components
- Webpack
- CommonJS
- Typescript
- Browser Sync
- DLL's
- Linting
- Fast incremental compilation
- CSS Stripping
- Centralized configuration in gulp.config.js
- Karma / Sinon / Mocha / Chai unit testing
- Docker Build
- Typescript code coverage
Makes use of DLL's, this both speeds up page loading time and reduces both the initial build and rebuild time. These DLL's take a little while to build but are optimized and minified.
You should run gulp dll anytime you add a new library in client/common.ts so that your new library can be included in the DLL.
Use require.include if you want to bundle your script but not run it when the dll loads you can initialize it later by calling require('library-name')
Note: When running test you can prevent js and maps from being generated by using --ts however don't use --ts with --coverage or you will get no source map support in your coverage.
To run in production mode without tests (fastest build time)
- gulp
To build for production
- gulp build
To run in dev mode with tests (slower build time)
- gulp --test
- gulp --test --coverage
- gulp --test --coverage --browser Chrome (default is PhantomJS2)
To run tests once
- gulp test
- gulp test --once
- gulp test --once --coverage
- gulp test --once --coverage --tap
To analyze the size and the dependencies:
- webpack --config webpack.prod.config --profile --json > webpack-profile.json
- then upload the file here http://webpack.github.io/analyse/
- Wael Jammal (wael@rsnewmedia.co.uk)