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Image visualization plugins for the wai.annotations library.

The manual is available here:



Adds the image classification label on top of images passing through.


  • Image Classification Domain


usage: add-annotation-overlay-ic [--background-color BACKGROUND_COLOR] [--background-margin BACKGROUND_MARGIN] [--fill-background] [--font-color FONT_COLOR] [--font-family FONT_FAMILY] [--font-size FONT_SIZE] [--position TEXT_PLACEMENT]

optional arguments:
  --background-color BACKGROUND_COLOR
                        the RGB color triplet to use for the background.
  --background-margin BACKGROUND_MARGIN
                        the margin in pixels around the background.
  --fill-background     whether to fill the background of the text with the specified color.
  --font-color FONT_COLOR
                        the RGB color triplet to use for the font.
  --font-family FONT_FAMILY
                        the name of the TTF font-family to use, note: any hyphens need escaping with backslash.
  --font-size FONT_SIZE
                        the size of the font.
  --position TEXT_PLACEMENT
                        the position of the label (X,Y).


Adds the image segmentation annotations on top of images passing through.


  • Image Segmentation Domain


usage: add-annotation-overlay-is [--alpha ALPHA] [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]] [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]]

optional arguments:
  --alpha ALPHA         the alpha value to use for overlaying the annotations (0: transparent, 255: opaque). (default: 64)
  --colors COLORS [COLORS ...]
                        the RGB triplets (R,G,B) of custom colors to use, uses default colors if not supplied (default: [])
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        the labels of annotations to overlay, overlays all if omitted (default: [])


Adds object detection overlays to images passing through.


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: add-annotation-overlay-od [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]] [--fill] [--fill-alpha FILL_ALPHA] [--font-family FONT_FAMILY] [--font-size FONT_SIZE] [--force-bbox] [--label-key LABEL_KEY] [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]] [--num-decimals NUM_DECIMALS] [--outline-alpha OUTLINE_ALPHA] [--outline-thickness OUTLINE_THICKNESS] [--text-format TEXT_FORMAT] [--text-placement TEXT_PLACEMENT] [--vary-colors]

optional arguments:
  --colors COLORS [COLORS ...]
                        the RGB triplets (R,G,B) of custom colors to use, uses default colors if not supplied (default: [])
  --fill                whether to fill the bounding boxes/polygons (default: False)
  --fill-alpha FILL_ALPHA
                        the alpha value to use for the filling (0: transparent, 255: opaque). (default: 128)
  --font-family FONT_FAMILY
                        the name of the TTF font-family to use, note: any hyphens need escaping with backslash. (default: sans\-serif)
  --font-size FONT_SIZE
                        the size of the font. (default: 14)
  --force-bbox          whether to force a bounding box even if there is a polygon available (default: False)
  --label-key LABEL_KEY
                        the key in the meta-data that contains the label. (default: type)
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        the labels of annotations to overlay, overlays all if omitted (default: [])
  --num-decimals NUM_DECIMALS
                        the number of decimals to use for float numbers in the text format string. (default: 3)
  --outline-alpha OUTLINE_ALPHA
                        the alpha value to use for the outline (0: transparent, 255: opaque). (default: 255)
  --outline-thickness OUTLINE_THICKNESS
                        the line thickness to use for the outline, <1 to turn off. (default: 3)
  --text-format TEXT_FORMAT
                        template for the text to print on top of the bounding box or polygon, '{PH}' is a placeholder for the 'PH' value from the meta-data or 'label' for the current label; ignored if empty. (default: {label})
  --text-placement TEXT_PLACEMENT
                        comma-separated list of vertical (T=top, C=center, B=bottom) and horizontal (L=left, C=center, R=right) anchoring. (default: T,L)
  --vary-colors         whether to vary the colors of the outline/filling regardless of label (default: False)


Combines object detection annotations from images passing through into a single annotation.


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: combine-annotations-od [--combination COMBINATION] [--min-iou MIN_IOU]

optional arguments:
  --combination COMBINATION
                        how to combine the annotations (union|intersect); the 'stream_index' key in the meta-data contains the stream index
  --min-iou MIN_IOU     the minimum IoU (intersect over union) to use for identifying objects that overlap


Displays images.


  • Image Classification Domain


usage: image-viewer-ic [--delay DELAY] [--position POSITION] [--size SIZE] [--title TITLE]

optional arguments:
  --delay DELAY        the delay in milli-seconds between images, use 0 to wait for keypress, ignored if <0
  --position POSITION  the position of the window on screen (X,Y)
  --size SIZE          the maximum size for the image: WIDTH,HEIGHT
  --title TITLE        the title for the window


Displays images.


  • Image Segmentation Domain


usage: image-viewer-is [--delay DELAY] [--position POSITION] [--size SIZE] [--title TITLE]

optional arguments:
  --delay DELAY        the delay in milli-seconds between images, use 0 to wait for keypress, ignored if <0
  --position POSITION  the position of the window on screen (X,Y)
  --size SIZE          the maximum size for the image: WIDTH,HEIGHT
  --title TITLE        the title for the window


Displays images.


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: image-viewer-od [--delay DELAY] [--position POSITION] [--size SIZE] [--title TITLE]

optional arguments:
  --delay DELAY        the delay in milli-seconds between images, use 0 to wait for keypress, ignored if <0
  --position POSITION  the position of the window on screen (X,Y)
  --size SIZE          the maximum size for the image: WIDTH,HEIGHT
  --title TITLE        the title for the window


Generates an image with all the annotation shapes (bbox or polygon) overlayed.


  • Image Object-Detection Domain


usage: to-annotation-overlay-od [-b BACKGROUND_COLOR] [-c COLOR] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-s SCALE_TO]

optional arguments:
                        the color to use for the background as RGBA byte-quadruplet, e.g.: 255,255,255,255
  -c COLOR, --color COLOR
                        the color to use for drawing the shapes as RGBA byte-quadruplet, e.g.: 255,0,0,64
                        the PNG image to write the generated overlay to
  -s SCALE_TO, --scale-to SCALE_TO
                        the dimensions to scale all images to before overlaying them (format: width,height)