Welcome! I'm Kyle Walker, and here is some information about my current work:
- I'm the author of Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R, available to read online for free and forthcoming in print with CRC Press in 2022.
- I'm an R developer actively working on the following packages:
- tidycensus, which helps R users get demographic & spatial data from the US Census Bureau ready-to-go for use in their analyses;
- tigris, which downloads US Census Bureau spatial data and loads it directly into R as simple features objects;
- mapboxapi, an R interface to Mapbox web services. Use the package to optimize routes, draw isochrones, read and write vector tiles, use custom Mapbox maps in Leaflet projects, and more;
- crsuggest, which gives R users projected coordinate system suggestions for their spatial datasets.
- I'm an academic researching data science and visualization tools for spatial demography. I'm currently teaching courses in exploratory data analysis with Python and introductory Urban Studies.
- I am Director of Research at a boutique data science and strategy firm, where we use cutting-edge geospatial & machine learning methods to improve companies' business outcomes.
- I also consult through my personal firm, Walker Data, where I work with individual clients and organizations to integrate tools like tidycensus into their workflows and to learn R and spatial data analysis.
If you are interested in working with me, send me a note at kyle@walker-data.com and let's discuss your idea!