Hello SDK sample code to try out Conan, the C/C++ Package Manager and GitVersion.
It uses wangyoucao577.jfrog.io as Conan storage which has been recommended in Uploading to Artifactory Cloud Instance.
Refer to wangyoucao577/hello-app-sample for the executable app that invokes this Hello SDK.
- latest conan
- latest cmake
- latest
compiler on your platform:g++
visual studio
$ conan create .
- Once your code is ready, run
git push
that will result to automatically build and publish processes. - The generated binaries's version is calculated by GitVersion according GitVersion.yml rules.
- Binaries(
) will be published to wangyoucao577.jfrog.io after building. - In addition, Draft a new release will result to code build and stable binaries publishing too.
$ conan remote add my-conan-repo https://wangyoucao577.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/conan/test-conan-local
$ conan search '*' -r my-conan-repo