It is a CSI driver to mount ConfigMap as ephemeral volume. Unlike the k8s builtin driver, it focuses on ConfigMap sharing and updating. That is,
- Sharing ConfigMap between namespaces,
- Updating ConfigMap while modifying mounted files, or delay the commit action until unmount the local volume,
- Stay current with the ConfigMap if it is updated by other clients.
kubectl apply -f
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: 01-0
namespace: foo
- image:
- tail
- -f
- /dev/null
name: 01-0
- mountPath: /mnt
name: cm-foo
- csi:
# Name of the ConfigMap to be mounted
configMap: cm-foo
# Namespace of the ConfigMap. If not set, the current namespace is used.
namespace: bar
# Same as subPath of the builtin ConfigMap driver
subPath: foo.txt
# Stay current with the ConfigMap if updated by other clients.
keepCurrentAlways: "true"
# When to commit changes of the local volume. Valid values are:
# "" (a blank string), don't commit changes,
# "unmount", commit changes when unmounting the volume,
# "modify", commit changes after each modify(on inotify event IN_CLOSE_WRITE).
commitChangesOn: "unmount"
# Determine how to deal with conflicts while committing local changes.
# REQUIRED if commitChangesOn is set.
# Valid values are:
# "override", override the remote changes if conflicts arise,
# "discard", discard local changes.
conflictPolicy: "override"
# Specify how to update the ConfigMap if local size is over than the size limit, that is 1(one) MiB.
# The policy would not apply to ConfigMap.BinaryData. If size of ConfigMap.BinaryData is over the limit,
# all changes would be discarded.
# REQUIRED if commitChangesOn is set.
# Valid values are:
# "truncateHead", truncates the content from the head,
# "truncateTail", truncates the content from the tail,
# "truncateHeadLine", truncateHead and the partial line at the beginning,
# "truncateTailLine", truncateTail as well as the partial line at the end.
oversizePolicy: ""
name: cm-foo
Notice that, even though enabling both keepCurrentAlways
and commitChangesOn
for the same volume is supported,
users should avoid getting into this case.