Chesslab is an advanced analytical chess program with simple but powerful command line user interface.
You should have Python with tkinter module. There is a big chance you already have it. If not you need to usually install this package. E.g. in Ubuntu you can run
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
Clone this repository by running the following in your terminal
git clone
Some functionality requires large data files. To pull them to the repo, you need the following steps:
You need to have installed LFS extension for git (you will find information here:
Once LFT extension in installed, in
root folder execute:git lfs install
This will enable extension to use in this local repository
git pull
should download large files.
Go into the root directory of this repository, i.e.
directory ( chesslab
) -
Install required dependencies by
pip -r requrements.txt
If you only want to runchesslab
ui script, minimal requirements are:pip install chess cairosvg zstandard pandas
by e.g.:pip install .
If you want to install it for development, use:
pip install -e .
Installation can take up to a few minutes because puzzles database is being created during installation.
Now, run Chesslab by executing
in your terminal. You should see something like this: -
You need to set chess engine path by executing
chess_engine <absolute path to chess engine binary>
in Chesslab text console. -
You can use
command in console and then to read documentation. -
Applications available by commands:
- chesslab
- poslab
- tactics
- chessworld