The entry of a number (between 0 to n positive) by a user will prompt the system to do a calculation. Results will be a sequence of numbers from 0 up until and including the number entered.
##Demo on Azure Click here to have a look.
S3.1.1 All numbers up to and including the number entered
S3.1.2 All odd numbers up to and including the number entered
S3.1.3 All even numbers up to and including the number entered
S3.1.4 All numbers up to and including the number entered, except when
S3.1.4.1 A number is a multiple of 3 output C
S3.1.4.2 A number is a multiple of 5 output E
S3.1.4.3 A number is a multiple of both 3 and 5 output Z
S3.1.5 All fibonacci number up to and including the number entered
Done with angular protractor Checks that all sequences are as expected based on the number input
Run from cmd using protractor protractor.spec.js
Done with .Net Unit testing framework Checks that all sequences are valid, that the number of elements is correct and that each expected element is in position.