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a more efficient, automated, and developer-friendly approach, allowing them to define deployment environment requirements using simple JSON or YAML descriptions.
Specify the exact conditions under which a container can run, mitigating compatibility issues and enforcing security standards seamlessly…
This environment description can either be one or multiple files and can also be a combination for each type of environment…
$ pip install env_should_be
env_should_be -fs --description /path/to/description/db.yml /path/to/description/app.json --env-file /path/to/.env --callback ./notify_admin.bash
a number of examples should be available under this link
Imagine you have a flask microservice that relies on a database and cache, and you want to ensure that certain environment variables meet specific criteria each time before the app starts, Here's an example YAML description:
length: 8
regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
length: 12
regex: "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!@#\\$%\\^&\\*])(?=.{8,})"
- localhost
length: 4
regex: "^[0-9]+$"
is_int: True
is_float: False
CACHE: # sure that it has the same value across whatever env?
constant: "redis://container_name:6379/1"
- dev
- prod
required: false # only get's validated if it is set (not None)
then a compose file:
version: '3'
context: .
- 5000
command: >
sh -c '
env_should_be -d "/app/descriptions/app.json" && \
flask run --host= --port 5000'
env_should_be will check these conditions before allowing the container to run. If any condition is not met, it can either block the container from running or using the -fs argument, let it start and log the errors, depending on your preference…
or just do a
env_should_be --help
env_should_be [-h] -d DESCRIPTION [DESCRIPTION ...] [-fs FAIL_SILENTLY] [-e ENV_FILE] [-cb CALLBACK]
How should your environment be?
<Required> either one or multiple paths for description files. (json/yml)
-fs FAIL_SILENTLY, --fail-silently FAIL_SILENTLY
<Optional> will return an exit status of 0 even if the description(s) fail to match the current env (still triggers the callback).
-e ENV_FILE, --env-file ENV_FILE
<Optional> not specifying a path to a specific env file to validate description(s) against, environment variables in the current shell will be loaded instead.
-cb CALLBACK, --callback CALLBACK
<Optional> a callback script to be executed an environment fails to match the a description. (still triggered on fail-silently)
- better exceptions
- support required arg
- support callbacks
- example Dockerfiles for different base images (only flask for now)
- a more helpful readme
- collect/open issues
- support older python versions
- support different/more complex descriptions
- support setting default values
- ship a single executable ?