A tool written in python to read aloud only important e-mails summary
We`re receiving too many e-mails, and wasting too much time to read them, so my concept is that computer should download, analyze and read only the important ones. The first version is configurable and only reads senders address and subject. In the next step I will try to summarize the e-mail body section by using AI tools like Ollama to summarize and than read aloud.
The script is already working, but got only few filters:
download e-mails beetween two dates : DATE_SINCE, DATE_BEFORE
filter and display only e-mails from senders mentioned in SENDER_DOMAINS
filter and display also e-mails with chosen keywords KEYWORDS
Voice configuration, you can set your language, just edit line: engine.setProperty('voice', 'polish')
- Python
- pip install requests pyttsx3 beautifulsoup4
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install espeak (under linux)
Just install requirements, run command: python run.py and enjoy ;)
If your`e using python environments, here are the steps:
mkdir venv
python3 -m venv venv/
venv/bin/pip install requests ppyttsx3 beautifulsoup4
./venv/bin/python run.py
Using summarize needs working fabric, you can configure it by taking steps from: https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric
Then You can create own pattern or use mine (dont forget to translate it to Your language)