Water The Trees is a platform that crowd sources tree planting and maintenance. We believe in the power of trees to restore natural habitat for animals, insects, and fauna. We are interesting in continuous massive tree planting events to help sequester carbon and stabilize climate change extremes.
Water the Trees is an open source project run by tree planting volunteers and developers at Code for America.
- install git https://git-scm.com/downloads
- Install node with nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
nvm install 18;
- Open terminal and run this
git clone https://github.com/waterthetrees/wtt_front.git;
cd wtt_front;
nvm use;
- To run with hot reloading (on osx/linux):
cd wtt_front;
npm install;
npm run start:dev;
- if you have problems with that, try running these commands in two windows:
Window 1:
npm run watch;
Window 2:
npm run start
Storybook allows you to develop and test UI components in isolation from the rest of the app. To start Storybook, do this:
npm run storybook
If you want to run wtt_server and wtt_db locally: Run one of these to connect to your localhost instead of dev.waterthetrees.com.
npm run start;
npm run start:docker;
npm run start:nodemon;
see pull-request-template for more information on commits and pr conventions