This is a live app that allows a user to login and keep track of books they've read and would like to read.
From the login page, a user can sign up and then later can login and the app will save the user's book data.
A user's dashboard has a book form that can be filled out. Once the book is entered, it is added to the full list of books and is also sorted by user specification.
This app can be found live at It can also be found and cloned to your local machine from the github repository
This app was created with Node.js and uses Express.js. Handlebars.js is used for templating. MySQL, JAWS.db, and Sequelize were used to create and manipulate the database. CSS was customized through the use of Materialize. This app can be run on a local server PORT 3001 or through the internet at
NPM packages used:
- express
- express-session
- express-handlebars
- handlebars
- mysql2
- sequelize
- connect-session-sequelize
- jest
- dotenv
- bcrypt
- nodemon
Seed files are included and allowed for easier testing during production using the Insomnia Core app. We found Nodemon to be a helpful tool during development as it allowed for faster and easier testing through the browser as it refreshes node.js when any change are made in the files.
This application is covered by MIT.
This project was created by a team of fresh developers: Thomas, Bri, Jeff, and Colton.