Create and format BEM class names for React components. The formatter uses simplified BEM syntax.
Via Yarn
yarn add @wavevision/class-name
or npm
npm install --save @wavevision/class-name
Simple React component
import React, { useState, FunctionComponent } from 'react';
import className, { USE_VALUE } from '@wavevision/class-name';
interface ComponentProps {
align: string;
booleanProp: boolean;
nullableProp: string | null;
stringProp: string;
interface ComponentState {
visible: boolean;
// Define base class name with props and state behaving as modifiers
const componentClassName = className<ComponentProps, ComponentState>(
() => ({
// if booleanProp value is truthy, 'booleanProp' will be used as modifier
booleanProp: true,
// if stringProp value is truthy then the value will be used
stringProp: USE_VALUE,
// use callback for custom modifiers, string returned will be used
customModifier: ({ props }) => (props.nullableProp ? 'custom' : null),
// if a non-string truthy value is returned, key will be used
anotherModifier: ({ state }) => state.visible,
// We can also have modifiers defined only if some condition is met
const anotherClassName = className<ComponentProps, ComponentState>(
({ props, state }) => {
if (props.nullableProp !== null) {
// the whole set of modifiers will be created only if nullableProp is not null
return { stringProps: USE_VALUE, customModifier: () => true };
if (state.visible) {
// this set will be created only if state.visible is true
return { customModifier: () => true };
const Component: FunctionComponent<ComponentProps> = props => {
const [visible] = useState<ComponentState['visible']>(false);
const className = componentClassName({ props, state: { visible } });
const nextClassName = anotherClassName({ props, state: { visible } });
return (
<div className={className.block('inline-modifier')}>
<div className={nextClassName.block()} />
// extra class name with optional prefix (e.g. Bootstrap text utility)
className.extra(props.align, 'text'),
// modifiers can be nullable and will be used only if not null
<div className={className.element('element', props.nullableProp)} />
<div className={className.element('another', 'element-modifier')} />
will output following when rendered
class="component-class component-class--boolean-prop component-class--something component-class--inline-modifier"
<div class="another-class"></div>
<div class="component-class__child text-right"></div>
<div class="component-class__element"></div>
class="component-class__another component-class__another--element-modifier"