The latest stable version is v0.14.1.
OLM is a command-line utility that streamlines aspects of using the SCALE/ORIGEN library to solve nuclide inventory generation problems.
To install, use pip
pip install scale-olm
The main development repository is hosted on GitHub with a read-only mirror on the ORNL-hosted GitLab.
The script
is provided to initialize the development environment.
$ git clone
$ cd olm
$ source
This is all you should need to do. The following sections explain in more detail
what happens when you run
This section contains additional details on developing OLM.
$ virtualenv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ which python
If you get an error about missing virtualenv
, you may need to install it.
$ pip install virtualenv
After enabling the virtual environment, run this command to install dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: if you need to regenerate the requirements file after adding dependencies.
$ pip freeze | grep -v '^\-e'>requirements.txt
This command will enable any changes you make to instantly propagate to the executable
you can run just with olm
$ pip install --editable .
$ olm
$ which olm
With the development environment installed, the docs may be created within the
directory. With the following commands.
$ cd docs
$ make html
$ open build/html/index.html
Alternatively the PDF docs may be generated using the make latexpdf
command. Note
that the HTML docs are intended as the main documentation.
The following greatly simplifies iterating on documentation. Run this command and open your browser to http://localhost:8000.
sphinx-autobuild docs/source/ docs/build/html/
There are notebooks contained in notebooks
which may be helpful for debugging or
understanding how something is working. You may need to install your virtual environment
kernel for the notebooks to work. You should use the local venv
kernel instead of
your default Python kernel so you have all the local packages at the correct versions.
$ ipython kernel install --name "venv" --user
Now, you can select the created kernel "venv" when you start Jupyter notebook or lab.
We use the Click python library for command line. Here's a nice video about click.
Follow these guidelines for commit messages.
OLM uses semantic versioning. You should commit the relevant code with the usual description commit message.
Then run
bumpversion patch
if you are fixing a bugbumpversion minor
if you are adding a new featurebumpversion major
if you are breaking backwards compatibility
When you push you need to git push --tags
or configure your repo to always push tags:
[remote "origin"]
push = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
push = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
Locally for unit tests we use the pytest framework under the testing
All tests can be run simply like this from the root directory. Not we are using the
extension which allows parallel testing.
$ pytest -n 6 .
The first time you do work on a clone, do this.
$ pre-commit install
This will use the Black formatter.
Our goal is to have each function, module, and class with standard docstrings and a few doctests. You can run verbose tests on a specific module as follows.
$ pytest -v scale/olm/