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Bot application for the WDRforyou bot

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Facebook Developer App mit Messenger Integration: Anleitung

Zunächst sollte der Source-Code lokal vorhanden sein. Dieses Git Kommando legt einen neuen Ordner mit dem Source an.

git clone
git clone

Local development

You need to create a file called .env.yml in the root folder of the bot directory. We will show you how to fill in the variables later in this text.

DEPLOY_ALIAS: <your name> # The suffix for your personal development deployment
FB_PAGETOKEN:             # Facebook API Token for the page
FB_VERIFYTOKEN:           # Facebook Webhook Verification Token
CMS_API_URL:              # Base URL for CMS ( REST API (with trailing slash)
CMS_API_TOKEN:            # Token to authenticate with CMS REST API (

How to start using your local BOT

If not already installed, install yarn: Go to your local repository and run:

yarn  OR  yarn install

To start with local development:

yarn sls deploy

If you do this for the first time, you will get a lot of errors. Don't worry, we will fix them step by step by adding the necessary variables to the .env.yml file.

AWS_Credentials ServerlessError: AWS provider credentials not found. Learn how to set up AWS provider credentials in our docs here: For easy handling of AWS account use aws-cli:

Then do: aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Default region name [None]: Default output format [None]:


  • Create a Page in Facebook.
  • Create an Messenger-App in Facebook-Developer and generate a key for you Page

CMS_API_TOKEN You will need a cms to handle your news content. Set it up as described in informant-cms, then login as admin, generate a token.

CMS_API_URL In informant-cms you create an api for your content, provide the url: CMS_BASE_URL/api/v1

If your yarn sls deploy runs successfully:

  • you will receive endpoints in your consle, grab the first one - ending with fb
  • go to your app on and setup a webhook, using the endpoint and the FB_VERIFYTOKEN you set up earlier in your .env.yml.
  • in go to 'messenger' and select a page to subscribe your webhook to the page events

Now you can start chatting with your bot and develop new features.

Setting persistent menu

FB_PAGETOKEN=<Your_Page_Token_From_.Env> yarn set-menu

Faster deploy for development

yarn sls deploy can take a while. For development you can use choose which function to deploy. For example: yarn sls deploy -f fbMessage


Bot application for the WDRforyou bot







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