This plugin allows for themes to be used with your symfony project. A theme is a very simple idea and consists of:
- a layout
- a collection of stylesheets
- a collection of javascripts
By defining several themes, you can:
Have different themes on an action-by-action, module-by-module, or even route-by-route basis.
Easily change the entire look of your site for promotional or seasonal reasons
Switch between themes on the fly using the web debug toolbar
Using the plugin couldn't be easier and consists of two steps
- Create a theme or themes
- Set each theme globally or exactly where you need it
With git:
git submodule add git:// plugins/sfThemePlugin
git submodule init
git submodule update
With subversion
svn propedit svn:externals plugins
// In the editor, add the following entry and then save
svn up
In your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
file, make sure you have
the plugin enabled.
Finally, run the publish:assets
task which will create a symbolic link
from the plugin into your web directory:
./symfony plugin:publish-assets
As mentioned, a theme consists of a layout, stylesheets, and javascript.
To create a theme, simply define each of these in app.yml
layout: new_design
stylesheets: [main, print: { media: print }]
javascripts: []
The layout can exist in the templates
directory of your application or in
the templates
directory of any plugin. This means that your entire
theme can live inside a plugin and be repackaged for other projects.
A few other, optional, configuration variables exist for a theme. See the
packaged with the plugin for full examples.
Once you've created a theme or themes, you'll want to instruct your application to use those themes. By default, the plugin won't start using themes until you tell it to. So, you can apply theming selectively without affecting the rest of your application.
Themes can be attached in many different ways:
Very commonly, you'll want to use one theme for your entire application.
This basically replaces the use of view.yml
to define the layout,
stylesheets, and javascripts for your application. Defining a default
theme is easy:
default_theme: new_design
By doing this, the new_design
theme will be used globally in your application.
The global default theme can easily be overridden in any action. For example,
suppose that you still need to use the old_design
theme for a particular action:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
// ...
This method is the "strongest" method of setting a theme and will override all other methods.
Alternatively, themes can be set on a module-by-module basis. Once again,
this will override the global default theme. For example, suppose the module
should use the theme old_design
old_module: old_design
You can even set a theme for a paricular route. This means that you could
have the same content served by two different urls, each rendering their
own theme! For example, suppose that you create a route called homepage_old
and you want it to use the old_design
homepage_old: old_design
By default (this can be turned off), you can switch to any available theme
by appending ?sf_theme=theme_name
to the end of any url.
This will set a user attribute so that you can browse your entire site
with this theme. To clar the user attribute, simply append ?sf_theme=clear
to the end of your url.
If you need to be more specific in your theming, you can easily do this
by connecting to the theme.set_theme_from_request
event. For example,
suppose you want to use a different theme for users with the fr
In your application configuration file (apps/app_name/config/app_nameConfiguration.class.php
public function configure()
array($this, 'listenSetThemeFromRequest')
public function listenSetThemeFromRequest(sfEvent $event)
$context = $event['context'];
if ($context->getUser()->getCulture() == 'fr')
return true;
return false;
This plugin comes with a web debug panel that allows you to see your themes and switch between them:
The app.yml
file packaged with the plugin shows several other configuration
options for the plugin. These are documented in the app.yml
file itself
and won't normally need to be modified.
In your functional tests, you can easily test so a particular module has
the correct theme. First, notify your sfTestFunctional
instance of the
theme tester:
$browser = new sfTestFunctional(new sfBrowser());
$browser->setTester('theme', 'sfTesterTheme');
To use it, simply do the following:
This plugin was taken from sympal CMF and was developed by both Jon Wage and Ryan Weaver.
If you have questions, comments or anything else, email me at ryan [at]