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A testing repository to develop a ES6 version of jsfeat for the WebARKit project. Consider that this is a test and many things may changes during the development. I will provide some examples for testing.

List of features

  • Typescript definitions

  • ES6 support

  • webpack bundler

  • npm package


These public classes were implemented:

  • cache
  • fast_corners
  • homography2d
  • imgproc
  • keypoint_t
  • linalg
  • math
  • matmath
  • matrix_t
  • motion_estimator
  • optical_flow_lk
  • orb
  • pyramid_t
  • transform
  • yape
  • yape06

npm package

You can install the package with:

npm install @webarkit/jsfeat-next

Consider that the package is not well tested and many bugs may arise...

Future features

Not all the original classes from jsfeat are yet implemented, this will be done in a near future.


Go in the examples folder to test some of them.

working = ✔️ not working = ⚠️

  • browser.html ✔️
  • grayscale.html ✔️
  • linalg_example.html ✔️
  • mat_math_example.html ✔️
  • matrix_t_example.html ✔️
  • orb_test.html ✔️
  • sample_box_blur.html ✔️
  • sample_canny_edge.html
  • sample_equalize_hist.html ✔️
  • sample_fast_corners.html ✔️
  • sample_gaussblur.html ✔️
  • sample_oflow_lk.html ✔️
  • sample_orb.html ✔️
  • sample_orb_pinball.html ✔️
  • sample_pyrdown.html ✔️
  • sample_scharr.html ✔️
  • sample_sobel_edge.html ✔️
  • sample_sobel.html ✔️
  • sample_warp_affine.html ✔️
  • sample_warp_perspective.html ✔️
  • sample_yape.html ✔️
  • sample_yape06.html ✔️

Typescript examples

You can find some Typescript examples in this repository jsfeatNext-examples.


There is not yet an official JsfeatNext documentation but you can read the original jsfeat docs to have an idea of classes and functions. We tried to be much close as possible to the original code, so if it works on jsfeat it will works on jsfeatNext.