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Manage Artifactory with Terraform


Installation via Homebrew

brew tap drewsonne/tap
brew install terraform-provider-artifactory
tf-install-provider artifactory

See details at


provider "artifactory" {
  username = "${var.artifactory_username}"
  password = "${var.artifactory_password}"
  url      = "${var.artifactory_url}"
  • username - (Required) Your username used to connect to Artifactory. You can also set this via the environment variable. ARTIFACTORY_USER

  • password - (Required) Your password or an API key used to connect to Artifactory. You can also set this via the environment variable. ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD

  • url - (Required) The url to your Artifactory instance. This will typically be everything in front of the /webapp of your web console login. For instance, Artifactory cloud users will have a url similar to You can also set this via the environment variable. ARTIFACTORY_URL



Provides support for creating groups in Artifactory.

This resource requires Artifactory Pro v2.4.0 or later.

Example Usage

resource "artifactory_group" "developers" {
    name      = "developers"
    auto_join = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the group.
  • auto_join - (Optional) Should new user's be automatically added to this group? Default false.
  • realm - (Optional) The name of the realm associated with this group (e.g. ARTIFACTORY, CROWD).
  • realm_attributes - (Optional) Realm attributes for use by LDAP.


Provides support for setting up local repositories in Artifactory.

Example Usage

# A Sample NPM registry
resource "artifactory_local_repository" "localnpm" {
    key                   = "npm-local"
    package_type          = "npm"
    repository_layout_ref = "npm-default"
    property_sets         = [ "artifactory" ]

# A Docker repository
resource "artifactory_local_repository" "docker" {
    key                   = "docker-local"
    package_type          = "docker"
    repository_layout_ref = "simple-default"
    docker_api_version    = "V2"
    property_sets         = [ "artifactory" ]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • key - (Required) The key of the repository.
  • package_type - (Optional) The type of the repository. One of (maven, gradle, ivy, sbt, nuget, gems, npm, bower, debian, composer, pypi, docker, vagrant, gitlfs, yum, conan, or generic). Default is generic.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the repository.
  • notes - (Optional) Notes about the repository.
  • repo_layout_ref - (Optional) The layout of the repository. The full list of available layouts is available in the Artifactory UI. Defaults to maven-2-default.
  • includes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to include when evaluating artifact requests in the form of x/y/*/z/. When used, only artifacts matching one of the include patterns are served. Defaults to **/*.
  • excludes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to exclude when evaluating artifact requests, in the form of x/y/**/z/*. By default no artifacts are excluded.
  • handle_releases - (Optional) Defaults to true.
  • handle_snapshots - (Optional) Defaults to true.
  • max_unique_snapshots - (Optional)
  • max_unique_tags - (Optional)
  • debian_trivial_layout - (Optional) When set, the repository will use the deprecated trivial layout. Defaults to false.
  • checksum_policy_type - (Optional) One of client-checksums, or server-generated-checksums. Defaults to client-checksums.
  • snapshot_version_behavior - (Optional) One of unique, non-unique, or deployer. Defaults to non-unique.
  • suppress_pom_consistency_checks - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • blacked_out - (Optional) When set, the repository does not participate in artifact resolution and new artifacts cannot be deployed. Defaults to false.
  • property_sets - (Optional) List of property sets to apply to the repository.
  • archive_browsing_enabled - (Optional) When set, you may view content such as HTML or Javadoc files directly from Artifactory. This may not be safe and therefore requires strict content moderation to prevent malicious users from uploading content that may compromise security (e.g., cross-site scripting attacks). Defaults to false.
  • calculate_yum_metadata - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • yum_root_depth - (Optional) Defaults to 0.
  • docker_api_version - (Optional) Docker API compatibility. Must be V1 or V2. Defaults to V2.


Provides support for setting up remote repositories in Artifactory.

A remote repository serves as a caching proxy for a repository managed at a remote URL (which may itself be another Artifactory remote repository).

Artifacts are stored and updated in remote repositories according to various configuration parameters that control the caching and proxying behavior. You can remove artifacts from a remote repository cache but you cannot actually deploy a new artifact into a remote repository.

Example Usage

# Manage your repository
resource "artifactory_remote_repository" "publicnpm" {
  key               = ""
  package_type      = "npm"
  description       = "Proxy public npm registry"
  repo_layout_ref   = "npm-default"
  url               = ""
  property_sets = [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • key - (Required) The key of the repository.
  • package_type - (Optional) The type of the repository. One of (maven, gradle, ivy, sbt, nuget, gems, npm, bower, debian, composer, pypi, docker, vagrant, gitlfs, yum, conan, or generic). Default is generic.
  • repositories - (Optional) The upstream repositories to pull from.
  • default_deployment_repo - (Optional) The local repo this repository will push to.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the repository.
  • notes - (Optional) Notes about the repository.
  • repo_layout_ref - (Optional) The layout of the repository. The full list of available layouts is available in the Artifactory UI. Defaults to maven-2-default.
  • includes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to include when evaluating artifact requests in the form of x/y/*/z/. When used, only artifacts matching one of the include patterns are served. Defaults to **/*.
  • excludes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to exclude when evaluating artifact requests, in the form of x/y/**/z/*. By default no artifacts are excluded.
  • handle_releases - (Optional) Defaults to true.
  • handle_snapshots - (Optional) Defaults to true.
  • max_unique_snapshots - (Optional)
  • suppress_pom_consistency_checks - (Optional)
  • url - (Optional) URL of the upstream remote repository.
  • username - (Optional) The username to use to authenticate to the upstream remote repository.
  • password - (Optional) The password to use to authenticate to the upstream remote repository.
  • proxy - (Optional)
  • remote_repo_checksum_policy_type - (Optional)
  • hard_fail - (Optional)
  • offline - (Optional) If set, Artifactory does not try to fetch remote artifacts. Only locally-cached artifacts are retrieved. Defaults to false.
  • blacked_out - (Optional) When set, the repository does not participate in artifact resolution and new artifacts cannot be deployed. Defaults to false.
  • property_sets - (Optional) List of property sets to apply to the repository.
  • store_artifacts_locally - (Optional) When set, the repository should store cached artifacts locally. When not set, artifacts are not stored locally, and direct repository-to-client streaming is used. This can be useful for multi-server setups over a high-speed LAN, with one Artifactory caching certain data on central storage, and streaming it directly to satellite pass-though Artifactory servers. Defaults to true.
  • socket_timeout_millis - (Optional) Network timeout (in ms) to use when establishing a connection and for unanswered requests. Timing out on a network operation is considered a retrieval failure. Defaults to 15000.
  • local_address - (Optional) The local address to be used when creating connections. Useful for specifying the interface to use on systems with multiple network interfaces.
  • retrieval_cache_period_seconds - (Optional) This value refers to the number of seconds to cache metadata files before checking for newer versions on remote server. A value of 0 indicates no caching. Defaults to 600.
  • failed_cache_period_seconds - (Optional) Defaults to 0.
  • missed_cache_period_seconds - (Optional) The number of seconds to cache artifact retrieval misses (artifact not found).
    A value of 0 indicates no caching. Defaults to 1800.
  • unused_artifacts_cleanup_enabled - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • unused_artifacts_cleanup_period_hours - (Optional) The number of hours to wait before an artifact is deemed "unused" and eligible for cleanup from the repository. A value of 0 means automatic cleanup of cached artifacts is disabled. Defaults to 0.
  • fetch_jars_eagerly - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • fetch_sources_eagerly - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • share_configuration - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • synchronize_properties - (Optional) When set, remote artifacts are fetched along with their properties. Defaults to false.
  • allow_any_host_auth - (Optional) Defaults to false.
  • enable_cookie_management - (Optional) Enables cookie management if the remote repository uses cookies to manage client state. Defaults to false.
  • bower_registry_url - (Optional)
  • vcs_type - (Optional) When present, must be GIT.
  • vcs_git_provider - (Optional) Should be one of GITHUB, BITBUCKET, STASH, ARTIFACTORY, CUSTOM. Defaults to GITHUB.
  • vcs_git_download_url - (Optional)


Provides support for creating users in Artifactory.

This resource does not allow setting of the user's password.

Instead, a random password is generated for each user. The user should do a forgot my password to reset their password. On updates, the password is set, then immediately expired. This should trigger an email to the user if Artifactory is configured to.

Example Usage

resource "artifactory_user" "walter" {
    name     = "walter.sobchak"
    email    = ""
    is_admin = true
    groups   = [ "readers", "publishers" ]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the user.
  • email - (Required) The user's email address.
  • is_admin - (Optional) Does this user have admin privileges. Default false.
  • is_updatable - (Optional) Can this user update their profile?. Cannot be false when is_admin is set to true. Default true.
  • groups - (Optional) An array of groups this user belongs to.
  • realm - (Computed) The realm the user belongs to.


Provides support for setting up virtual repositories in Artifactory.

Virtual repositories are used to mirror public repositories, while adding push capabilities. Configure a virtual repository to pull from multiple repositories and push to a single local repository.

Example Usage

# Create a virtual repository that mirrors public, and pushes to a local
resource "artifactory_virtual_repository" "gems" {
    key                     = "gems"
    package_type            = "gem"
    description             = "Gem Repository"
    repositories            = [
    repo_layout_ref         = "simple-default"
    default_deployment_repo = "gems-local"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • key - (Required) The key of the repository.
  • package_type - (Optional) The type of the repository. One of (maven, gradle, ivy, sbt, nuget, gems, npm, bower, debian, composer, pypi, docker, vagrant, gitlfs, yum, conan, or generic). Default is generic.
  • repositories - (Optional) The upstream repositories to pull from.
  • default_deployment_repo - (Optional) The local repo this repository will push to.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the repository.
  • notes - (Optional) Notes about the repository.
  • repo_layout_ref - (Optional) The layout of the repository. The full list of available layouts is available in the Artifactory UI. Defaults to maven-2-default.
  • includes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to include when evaluating artifact requests in the form of x/y/*/z/. When used, only artifacts matching one of the include patterns are served. Defaults to **/*.
  • excludes_pattern - (Optional) List of artifact patterns to exclude when evaluating artifact requests, in the form of x/y/**/z/*. By default no artifacts are excluded.
  • debian_trivial_layout - (Optional) When set, the repository will use the deprecated trivial layout. Defaults to false.
  • artifactory_requests_can_retrieve_remote_artifacts - (Optional) Determines whether artifact requests coming from other instance of Artifactory can be fulfilled by accessing this virtual repository's remote repositories, or by only accessing its caches (default). Defaults to false.
  • key_pair - (Optional)
  • pom_repository_references_cleanup_policy - (Optional) Should be one of discard_active_reference, discard_any_reference, nothing.