A playful version of portfolio app. Almost care every detail of the site.
Color | Hex | Color | Hex |
primary01 | #F4F9FB |
gray01 | #FCFCFC |
primary02 | #E2F4F8 |
gray02 | #F4F4F4 |
primary03 | #3FB1E8 |
gray03 | #D9D9D9 |
primary04 | #1682B6 |
gray04 | #888888 |
primary05 | #50585C |
gray05 | #4D4D4D |
gray06 | #3D3D3D |
- 🌘 shadcn, with lovely customized ui and fluent developing experience.
- 🌊 Tailwindcss
- 👾 Framer Motion
- ⚛️ Embla Carousel
- 🌏 i18n Next
- 🪖 React Helmet Async
- ✨ Eslint & prettier
- ✏️ cz (with commitizen installed globally)
First, run the development server:
# install
pnpm install
# dev
pnpm dev
# build
pnpm build
# serve
pnpm preview
- You can start editing entry point by modifying
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. - Theme is based on shadcn and modify it to my theme.
component is well handled.- We have
function inlib/utils.ts
to help us to merge className and clsx to do more flexible conditioning. - React
- Tailwind class of