“tasty red bean simulator” is a video game written entirely in Python3 and Pygame for the biannual game jam Pyweek (34). All the contents were finished within the last 4 days due to unusual circumstances. The first release of this exemplary computer game not only fully satisfies a gamer's need for original visual assets, but also is novel in the way that it introduces most excellent, original, music compositions of the grandest scale.
This game is set on a red planet similar to the planet Mars of our solar system. On this scarlet planet, and having been recently exiled from your home planet, you work at a restaurant specializing in red bean desserts. As the planet is an arid place, though not without its own thriving ecosystem, these sweets are well-received among the locals. The locals are silvery creature with tempers so singular that caution must always be advised when around them, especially when an incorrect order or an ill-advised work attitude could result in instant death.
Should you desire to try this arduous trial,
be advis’d to think quick and to move quick,
choose the stove, beans, sugar, water, and click,
then if you prepar’d the correct order,
the silv’ry creatures exit with a smile.
Go behind the counter swiftly my friend,
to the kitchen where you will meet the end.