Code for MarChem2019 paper
Box_model_eigen_2nd.m is the main driver
neglogpost_eigen.m computes the negative of the logarithm of the posterior pdf for the parameters under steady-state assumption.
buildPFD_l.m computes the sinking particle flux divergence operator for large particles.
buildPFD_s.m computes the sinking particle flux divergence operator for small particles.
cost_2nd.m computes the negative of the logrithm of the posterior pdf for the parameters including slowly-decaying eigen modes.
Box_model_eigen_2nd.m | +--> neglogpost_eigen.m | +--> cost_2nd.m | | | +-->[buildPFD_l.m/buildPFD_s.m]
unitlity scripts:
nsnew.m C.T. Kelly's Newton Armijo solver
mfactor.m Timothy A. Davis' LINFACTOR VERSION 1.1.0, Nov 1, 2007 Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis, University of Florida
d0.m makes a sparse diagonal matrix given a 3d field