Remembering Richard Guy:Richard Guy 于2020年3月9日去世,享年103岁
Martin Gardner:一大堆数学家的homepage
Not Even Wrong:该博客上时常关注有数学界的一些新闻以及数学家
- Vladimir Voevodsky 1966-2017主页上的Not Even Wrong还有其他的数学家的文章,以及一些数学家的博客(强烈推荐)
I Choose Math:Bill Thurston, Math Hero.有关于Thurston的一些资料
- GEOMETRY AND THE IMAGINATION:A conference in honor of Bill Thurston's 60th Birthday
- Bill Thurston Conference 2014 - Cornell University
- thurston.notes
- Geometry and topology of three-manifolds By William Thurston
- The mathematical legacy of Bill Thurston:video_lectures
- IAS News
- School of Mathematics 75th Anniversary Celebration:featured some of the world's leading mathematicians, all of whom have been Members or Visitors of the Institute.强烈推荐
The Napkin project by Evan Chen (陳誼廷) :aimed at making higher math accessible to high school students.
OXFORDUndergraduate Courses
- wolframThe Web's Most Extensive Mathematics Resource
- 苏联出版的10卷本数学百科全书的英译在线版Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Curtis T McMullen超多的Notes,Dynamics and Geometry
William G. Faris:Articles,Books,Notes。其中Book Reviews非常值得一看。
- Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry:关于算术几何的短期课程,上面有一些包括Pierre Deligne: “Periods for the Fundamental Group”的资料
- The Southwest Center for Arithmetic GeometryArizona Winter School 2017: Perfectoid Spaces
Maria Terrell:Calculus with Applications by Peter Lax and Maria Terrell;中译版微积分及其应用
- James J. Yeh:Real analysis: Theory of measure and integration
- William P. Ziemer :Modern Real Analysis
- Gerald B. Folland:Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications
- Avner Friedman:Foundations of Modern Analysis
- Lawrence Craig Evans:Measure_Theory_and_Fine_Properties_of_Functions
- Sheldon Axler:Measure, Integration & Real Analysis MIRA
- Andrew Pinchuck:
- Haim Brezis:Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equaitons 也是一本很好的书,1-6章是常规泛函分析教材中的内容,涉及Lp Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, Weak Topologies, Compact Operators 等等。后面则是方程的内容
- Piotr Mikusinski:Hilbert Spaces with Applications, Lokenath Debnath and Piotr Mikusinski, 这是一本599页的书,比较侧重于希尔伯特空间及其应用。包含了的方程,量子物理,小波变换等课题。Basic Classes of Linear Operators, Israel Gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek, 非常好的泛函分析的书。虽然标题是算子,但是内容还是比较循序渐进地从一些基础的问题开始。这本书相对于1,2都要深入很多(后面包含Poincare Operators, Fredholm Operators, Toeplitz Operators等课题)。但是可读性依然很强。
- Patrick Fitzpatrick:Real Analysis, H.L. Royden and P.M. Fitzpatrick.
- Bryan P. Rynne:Linear Functional Analysis, Bryan P. Rynne and Martin A. Youngson.
- Dietmar A. Salamon:Theo Bühler and Dietmar A. Salamon Functional Analysis;Measure and Integration Book by Dietmar A. Salamon
- Dirk Werner:Funktionalanalysis
Bob Devaney:微分方程、动力系统与混沌导论
Sigurdur Helgason:Groups and Geometric Analysis,Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces
Peter Doyle:上面有很多几何方面的讲义,比如Bill Thurston, John Conway一起的Geometry and the Imagination
Nigel Hitchin:Differentiable Manifolds,Geometry of Surfaces
- ETHZ Dietmar A. Salamon:Analysis AND Differential Geometry
- Urs Lang: Analysis and Geometry
Differential topology versus differential geometry
- Teaching myself differential topology and differential geometry
- [Recommending books for introductory differential geometry (duplicate)(https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/264331/recommending-books-for-introductory-differential-geometry?noredirect=1)
- Introductory texts on manifolds
- Peter Petersen
- Bernard Shiffman
- Toshiyuki KOBAYASHI:Katsumi Nomizu
- Hung-Hsi Wu 伍鸿熙
- John M. (Jack) Lee
- Some lecture notes based on do Carmo's textbook.
- Victor Guillemin:Differential Topology by Victor Guillemin and Alan Pollack
- Ciprian Manolescu:Math 225A: Differential Topology
- John Baez:Gauge Fields, Knots And Gravity
- Loring W. Tu杜武亮:《An Introduction to Manifolds》
Caucher BirkarFields Medal(2016)
- manjunath5496:List-series,collected,resource,强烈推荐
- 变Tube:国内可观看的YouTube
- DML: Digital Mathematics Library:宝藏,强烈推荐
- Topics in Mathematics:同样宝藏,强烈推荐:"In these pages, you will find links to various WWW resources on Mathematics."
- Stony Brook Mathematics Video Archive
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute(MSRI)
- Institute for Advanced Study Video Lectures
- UCCS:Department of Mathematics Video Course Archive
- Caltech Online Education:Feynman Lectures on Physics
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Geometry Research Group
- ICERM Brown Video Archive
- ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN MATHEMATICS:The Center for American History of The University of Texas at Austin.
- The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
- BIRS Workshop Lecture Videos
- IPAM’s video archive:推荐
- mathematics_video_lectures
- Cornell:强烈推荐
- Videos of CMSA lectures, seminars and interviews.
- Math video links
- 中科院开放资源平台:上面可以看到中科院数学所的数学所讲座
- Harvard Mathematics Department Faculty Colloquium: Since fall 2005, "Basic Notions Seminars" are also called "Faculty Colloquia".
- Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive:research papers in Mathematical Physics and related areas
- Mathematics Today:A Peer Reviewed International Journal for Mathematical Science
- International Journal of Mathematical Archive
- Archive of related papers and books by other authors:强烈推荐
- The Online Books Page
- Fields Live Video Archive
- Videos on hyperbolic manifolds/hyperbolization/geometrization on YouTube:Bill_Thurston,Ian_Agol,推荐
Online:Math seminars
SINGACOM: SINGACOM is a research group with head at the Deparment of Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Topology (Science Faculty, University of Valladolid), however it includes research people from other Deparments of the University of Valladolid and other Universities.In this web you will find information on our activities and our research themes.
PIMS Seminars:seminars offered by Mathematics Departments at PIMS' member universities, and hosted or supported by PIMS.
- 2020年中国科学院”代数与数论“暑期学校:(已经停办)
- Kai-Wen Lan's links有很多数学家的个人主页链接
- 有哪些数学、物理方面(大学水平以上)的博客值得读?
- MathNet.ru-People:结合这两个,可以找到数学家的主页。
- Israel M. Gelfand的Memorial pages
- Notes of talks at the I.M.Gelfand seminar
- 来自MIT数学系Conferences的Videos On YouTube Gelfand Centennial Conference: A View of 21st Century Mathematics
- 豆瓣:Gelfand纪念会的一些见闻
- Bernstein, Joseph
- Alexandre Kirillov: Israil Moiseivich Gelfand的学生,主要工作是李群表示论
- Igor Pak Home Page: 主要研究组合数学和概率论,以随机漫步上的研究而闻名
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevic
- Igor V. Dolgachev: Shafarevich的学生,他主页上有很不错的关于代数几何、物理学的note
- Yuriy Drozd
- 沃尔夫奖(1997)、阿贝尔奖得主(2004)Yakov Grigorevich Sinai,研究领域是动力系统、数学物理以及遍历论
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics里面有纪念的Memorial pages
- 李岩岩 :1988年在纽约大学柯朗数学研究所获博士学位。1988-1990在普林斯顿大学工作,1990至今在罗格斯大学工作,任Distinguished Professor和非线性分析中心主任。2002年世界数学家大会做45分钟邀请报告,2012年当选首届美国数学会Fellow。研究方向为偏微分方程、几何分析。
- 杨同海国际知名数论学家
- 叶如钢微分几何、几何分析和数学物理
- Chi-Wang Shu (舒其望)
- Grothendieck:Biographies,Clef de Songes , Recoltes et Semailles (Grothendieck autobiography) ,Esquisse (English Translation)
A website devoted to the life and works of Alexandre Grothendieck
Archives de l'Association des Collaborateurs de Nicolas Bourbaki
Cours de Master Paris-Saclay:有很多的资料,包括法文原版的书籍、Blogs、Vidéos et cours en ligne等等,强烈推荐
Les-Mathematiques.net - Cours de mathématiques universitaires - Forum - Cours à télécharger
- Zoé Chatzidakis
- Chenlin GU (顾陈琳)
- Kelvin Shuangjian Zhang:https://kelvinzz.github.io/
- Isabelle Gallagher:实分析,数学物理,Navier-Stokes
- AMIROU Yanis:分析,群论
- Marco Mazzucchelli:微分几何
Shengquan XIANG:sorbonne-universite http://sma.epfl.ch/~sxiang/
- Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
- Jean-Michel Coron
- Ahmed KEBAIERuniv-paris13
- Shen LIN 林棽
- Philippe LeFlochMathematical General Relativity
- Mitia Duerinckx Personal Homepage Measure theory
- François Bolley:线性代数,积分,微分
- Luis Paris 代数
- Rémi CoulonIllustrating Mathematics
- Pascal Lefèvre:分析 拓扑
- Michel Raibaut :代数,分析
- Jacques Martinet:Links to WEB pages of some mathematicians working on lattices and/or coding theory.
- María Cumplido Cabello:代数
- Current Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Groups
- Barbara Schapira :代数,微分几何
- Étienne Matheron :积分,泛函分析
- Julie Déserti:L1,M1,M2
- Matthew Morrow
- Benjamin Texier
- Daniel Bertrand:代数,群
- Michel Waldschmidt:代数 Galois Theory.Diophantine equations,数论
- patrick.polo:Cours M1 Algèbre et th. Galois
- Alberto Arabia:cohomologie de de Rham
- Bernhard Keller:Cours d'algèbre et de géométrie
- Christophe Lacave :the algebra and analysis courses
- Ziyang GAO :代数拓扑
- Pierre Schapira:拓扑,同调代数,强烈推荐
- Jan Nekovář:代数数论,代数几何
- Nicolas LERNER:分析,PDE,推荐
- bernard.maurey: Analyse fonctionnelle 泛函分析
- Jacques Faraut:分析,无穷维,傅里叶
- Alessandro Chiodo
- Marie-Claude Arnaud :动力系统
- Jacques Féjoz:推荐,L1,L2,L3,M1,M2
- Hélène Eynard-Bontemps:分析与拓扑
- Julien Marché:推荐,L1,L2,L3,M1,M2
- M2 "Mathématiques fondamentales":M2,强烈推荐
- Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation (LPSM, UMR 8001):强烈推荐
Joël MERKER:大量资料,几何,复分析 ,傅里叶,代数 ;强烈推荐
François Le Gall :概率论,布朗运动
- Stéphane Nonnenmacher :分析
- Joël Riou:几何,代数几何
- Christian Gérard:数学物理
- Daniel PERRIN:积分
- Pierre Pansu:微分几何,动力系统
- Stéphane FISCHLER:代数,微分方程
- Sophie Lemaire :概率与统计,计算
- Bernard HELFFER:分析,谱分析
- Michel Rumin:积分,微分方程
- Olivier Fouquet :离散数学
- Sylvie Ruette:微分方程,离散数学
- Frédéric Bourgeois
Philippe GILLE:代数,李代数,SGA
Université de Bordeaux童纪龙
Alexei Pantchichkine:Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble I
Mathematics Department of the Rutgers
- Yi-Zhi Huang老师是做数学物理的,他的 Research Interests(from his homepage): I am mainly interested in the mathematical foundation of quantum field theory and its applications in algebra, topology, geometry, condensed matter physics and string theory. In the next few years, I will mostly work on the constructions and study of nonlinear sigma models and its applications in differential geometry and elliptic cohomology, the moduli space of two-dimensional conformal field theories and the applications of two-dimensional conformal field theories to quantum hall systems and topological quantum computation.以及Huang的两位学生:
- Doron Zeilberger组合数学理论计算机科学
Mathematics Department of the Upenn
- Seminars
- Robert Ghrist: 有很好的微积分视频(youtube)
- Upenn Online Learning Initiative这个是可以下载的版本。
- Wolfgang Ziller有很好的微分几何和黎曼几何讲义
- Lawrence Craig Evans: 上面有很好的PDE notes
- Ravi Vakil是The Rising Sea: Foundations Of Algebraic Geometry Notes的作者,以及Great articles and books的推荐
- 上面的知乎讨论:哪些数学书让你相见恨晚?
- Akshay Venkatesh:number theory and various related topics
- Mathematics Department Seminars
- Sergiu KlainermanPDE
- Nicholas Katz
- János KollárAlgebraic Geometry
- Allan SlyProbability
- Peter SarnakNumber Theory
- Mihalis DafermosMathematical Physics,PDE
- Elliott H. Lieb :
- Weinan E:Machine Learning
- Edward Nelson:
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- Trailblazer Jacob LurieConstructing foundations and building bridges between fields;在高阶范畴论和导出代数几何领域中基础性的工作,以及对全扩展拓扑量子场论的分类和证明了椭圆上同调的参模理论解释
- June Huh
California Institute of Technology
- Matilde Marcolli:非交换几何、分形几何
- site:people.math.harvard.edu/~
- site:http://people.math.harvard.edu/
- Dennis Gaitsgory:Geometric Representation;Linear Algebraic Groups
- Barry Mazur:解析数论
- Oliver Knill:高等数学
- Curtis T McMullen :强烈推荐
- Noam D. Elkies:Chess and Mathematics, Mathematical Problem Solving ,解析数论,高等数学
- Sebastien Vasey:代数,范畴论,模型论
- Shlomo Sternberg
Aise Johan de Jong:The Stacks Project
- Seminars | MIT Mathematics
- Larry Guth:分析
- PRIMES: Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students
- Andrew V. Sutherland :数论,算术几何
- Steven G. Johnson:Some Brief Mathematical Notes
- Peter Shor:Poetry;Quantum computing
- Haynes R. Miller:Algebraic Topology
- Richard P. Stanley:Miscellaneous
- Pavel Etingof:群和表示论的notes很值得一看
- Scott Sheffield概率论
- Caucher Birkar
- Timothy Gowers:普林斯顿数学指南的作者
- Dexter Chua Cambridge Mathematics Lecture Notes(https://github.com/Smaug123/cam-notes)[Analysis I Lectured by W. T. Gowers, Lent 2015](https://dec41.user.srcf.net/h/IA_L/analysis_i)
Anatole KatokDynamical Systems
Rodolfo Gutiérrez-Romogeometry and dynamical systems
- Larry Guth:辛几何、黎曼几何、调和分析以及组合几何
- Trailblazer Jacob Lurie:高阶范畴论和导出代数几何;全扩展拓扑量子场论的分类
- Ian Agol:几何拓扑学(低维拓扑)和几何群论
- André Arroja Neves:纯量曲率、几何流及Willmore猜想
- Vincent Lafforgue:函数域中对朗兰兹纲领的贡献
- Christopher Hacon:代数几何:生物化代数几何的转换贡献,特别是对所有维度的最小模型程序。
- James McKernan:代数几何
- Alex Eskin:阿贝尔微分模空间的动力学和几何学
Maryam Mirzakhani:连结拓朴、几何和动力系统
Summer School on Dynamical Systems 2009里面还有很多相关的 Further summer schools
Artur Avila:Fields Medal (2014)
Lenhard Lee Ng:曾与terence tao 齐名的天才少年;symplectic geometry, contact geometry;topological string theory;low-dimensional topology, knot theory
David Tong:物理向
Simon Donaldson:几何分析
Richard Borcherds:quantum field theory)
Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyQuantum Field Theory
- 97年IAS的QFT Seminars(大师云集):Quantum Field Theory program at IAS: Spring Term
- Computer Science courses with video lectures:CS公开课汇集,强烈推荐
- Turing Award
- Marvin Minsky
- John McCarthy
- John McCarthy
- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra:程序设计语言的科学与艺术
- Herbert A. Simon(司马贺):认知心理学、诺奖(经济学),第一个分析复杂性架构(architecture of complexity)的人
- Herbert A. Simon and the Science of Decision Making
- Allen Newell:信息处理语言(IPL)发明者之一,司马贺的学生,1975年得主
- Edward Albert Feigenbaum:常被人称为专家系统之父。为1994年图灵奖得主。
- Direct links to the Edward A. Feigenbaum documents
- Edward Albert Feigenbaum of ACM Digital Library:
- A Companion Site to the Edward A. Feigenbaum Collection
- Michael Oser Rabin:计算复杂度理论,非确定性自动机
- Dana Stewart Scott:与迈克尔·拉宾一起师从阿隆索·邱奇(Alonzo Church);拉宾和达纳·斯科特共同发表了“有限自动机与其判定性问题”为题的论文。
- John Warner Backus:发明了函数层次编程概念及实践该概念的FP语言。
- Robert W. Floyd:设计高效可靠软件的方法学
- 1978年的图灵奖获得者-Robert W. Floyd
- 关于软件可靠性领域的介绍
- 关于程序语义学以及Formal Methods of Software Design:http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hehner/FMSD/
- CMU编程语言领域研究实验室介绍
- 一些形式方法(Formal Methods)领域的一些介绍文章:Important publications in formal verification :Robert Floyd的著名文章:Assigning meanings to programs列在首位。
- Robert从事与计算机的工作并发表了许多著名的文章,比如1967年发表的关于程序验证领域的前瞻性文章--Assigning Meanings to Programs.。Robert在程序验证方面的开创性研究对后来程序验证领域著名的Hoare Logic有很大的积极影响作用,这也是为什么我们也通常称Hoare Logic叫做Floyd-Hoare Logic。Hoare是在1969年发表其著名的 "An axiomatic basis for computer programming"Classic Papers in Programming Languages and Logic
- 1978年的图灵奖获得者-Robert W. Floyd
- Kenneth Eugene Iverson:程序设计语言和数学符号
- Tony Hoare:程序设计语言的定义与设计
- Edgar Frank Codd:关系型数据库理论;关系数据库之父
- Stephen A. Cook:计算复杂度
- Kenneth Lane Thompson:UNIX操作系统
- Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie:C语言的创造者
- Niklaus Emil Wirth:程序设计语言设计、程序设计;他的文章Program Development by Stepwise Refinement视为软件工程中的经典之作。他写的一本书的书名Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs(算法+数据结构=程序)是计算机科学的名句。
- John Edward Hopcroft:算法和数据结构的设计与分析
- Robert Endre Tarjan:算法和数据结构的设计与分析
- Ivan Edward Sutherland:计算机图形学
- William Kahan:浮点数之父,数值分析
- Fernando J. Corbató:发展了分时操作系统
- Robin Milner:他开发了其中一个最早的自动定理证明工具——LCF。他另一项主要工作是并发理论(concurrency theory),他提出了许多被广泛研究的并发计算模型:CCS、pi演算。
- Richard Edwin Stearns:计算复杂度理论
- Butler W. Lampson:分布式,个人计算环境;首次提出个人电脑设计概念——"在计算机科学中的任何问题,都可以用加上另一层间接参照来解决。(Any problem in computer science can be solved with another level of indirection)"
- Raj Reddy:大规模人工智能系统
- Manuel Blum:计算复杂度理论,及其在密码学和程序校验上的应用
- Amir Pnueli:将时序逻辑引入计算机科学和对程序和系统验证领域
- Douglas Carl Engelbart:互动计算,人机交互
- Jim Gray:数据库与事务处理
- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.:计算机体系结构,操作系统,软件工程;出版《人月神话》。1986年,发表《没有银弹》
- Kristen Nygaard:面向对象技术的先驱
- Ronald L. Rivest:密码学
- Adi Shamir:密码学
- Leonard Max Adleman:密码学
- Alan Curtis Kay:在面向对象编程和窗口式图形用户界面方面作出了先驱性贡献
- Vinton Gray Cerf:“互联网之父”之一,TCP/IP
- Robert Elliot Kahn:“互联网之父”之一,TCP/IP
- Peter Naur:开发了BNF范式,改进了编程语言。
- Frances Elizabeth Allen:编译器优化领域的先驱,包括编译器的基本原理、代码优化和并行编译等
- Edmund M. Clarke:开发自动化方法检测计算机硬件和软件中的设计错误
- Ernest Allen Emerson:开发自动化方法检测计算机硬件和软件中的设计错误
- Joseph Sifakis:开发自动化方法检测计算机硬件和软件中的设计错误
- Barbara Liskov:编程语言和系统设计的实践与理论;从这些实际项目中提炼出来的数据抽象思想,已经成为软件工程中最重要的精髓之一。
- Leslie Gabriel Valiant:对众多计算理论所做的变革性的贡献
- Judea Pearl:因其人工智能概率方法的杰出成绩和贝氏网络的研发而知名
- Shafrira Goldwasser:在密码科学领域里,于复杂理论的基础之上,做出变革性工作;并领先发展出新的具有数学可证明性的有效验证机制
- Silvio Micali:在密码科学领域里,于复杂理论的基础之上,做出变革性工作;并领先发展出新的具有数学可证明性的有效验证机制
- Leslie Lamport:对于分布式及并形系统的理论与实践具有基础性贡献,尤其是诸如因果逻辑时序(causality and logical clocks)、安全性与存活度(safety and liveness)、复制状态机(replicated state machines)及循序一致性(sequential consistency)等理论概念的发明
- Michael Stonebraker:关系数据库
- Bailey Whitfield Diffie:公开密钥加密技术
- Martin Edward Hellman:公开密钥加密技术
- Tim Berners-Lee:他成功利用互联网实现了超文本传输协议客户端与服务器的第一次通讯
- John LeRoy Hennessy:开创了一种系统的、定量的方法来设计和评价计算机体系结构,并对微处理器行业产生了持久的影响。
- David Andrew Patterson:开创了一种系统的、定量的方法来设计和评价计算机体系结构,并对微处理器行业产生了持久的影响。
- Yoshua Bengio:因人工神经网络和深度学习领域的研究而闻名。
- Geoffrey Everest Hinton:类神经网络,反向传播算法和对比散度算法的发明人之一,“深度学习之父”
- Yann LeCun:光学字符识别和计算机视觉上使用卷积神经网络 (CNN),他也被称为卷积网络之父。
Microsoft academic:网站提供了基于引用给出的研究者排名、会议、期刊等信息。
杨强:“迁移学习”(transfer learning),“联邦学习”
邢波:机器学习、计算生物学和统计方法;其三位博士生导师理查德·卡普(计算机学家,偏重理论),迈克尔·乔丹(计算机学家,偏重概率统计),Stuart J. Russell(很好的计算机学家、哲学家)
朱松纯:Computer Vision, Statistical Modeling & Computing, Machine Learning, Cognition, Natural Language and Dialogue, AI, Robot Autonomy.师从著名数学家戴维·芒福德。
Randy Pausch:人机交互
Tomaso A.Poggio:数学统计学习理论和不适定问题、工程应用包括计算机视觉、计算机图形学、生物信息学、智能搜索引擎,以及神经科学学习。他的目标是打造能达到人脑水平的智能机器。
- Amnon Shashua:Mobileye 创始人,是其学生
- Demis Hassabis:DeepMind 创始人
Stuart Russell:Researcher of Artificial Intelligence
- Thomas Kailath:自动控制
- John L. Hennessy:体系结构
- John Hennessy和David Patterson获2017年ACM图灵奖,对业界有什么影响?
- Yale N. Patt
- David A. Patterson:计算机体系架构
- Mark D. Hill
- David A. Wood
- Karu Sankaralingam
- Mikko H. Lipasti
- William J. Dally
- Eckert-Mauchly Award:计算机体系结构奖项;得主包括Gene Amdahl、Seymour Cray、Gordon Bell
- Garth Gibson
- Randy H. Katz
- John Ousterhout: designed the experimental Sprite operating system and the first log-structured file system.
IEEE计算机先驱奖: Charter Recipients 与 Past Recipients
- Demetri Terzopoulos(2020)For a leading role in developing computer vision, computer graphics, and medical imaging through pioneering research that has helped unify these fields and has impacted related disciplines within and beyond computer science.
- Jack Dongarra (2020):For leadership in the area of high-performance mathematical software.
- Jitendra Malik(2019):(2019) IEEE Fellow、ACM Fellow,Jitendra Malik 也是李飞飞的良师益友,李飞飞曾表示 Jitendra Malik 是对她影响最大的三位学者之一。;计算机视觉、生物视觉计算建模、计算机图形学和机器学习
- Barbara Liskov(2018):For pioneering data abstraction, polymorphism, and support for fault tolerance and distributed computing in the programming languages CLU and Argus.
- Bjarne Stroustrup(2018): For bringing object-oriented programming and generic programming to the mainstream with his design and implementation of the C++ programming language.
- E. Grady Booch(2016) :For pioneering work in Object Modeling that led to the creation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
- Michael J. Flynn(2015) :For more than 50 years of leadership, which includes the creation of TCCA and SIGARCH, basic contributions to computer arithmetic, microarchitecture and multiprocessing, and quantitative analysis of microarchitectures.
- Peter M. Kogge(2015) :For the pioneering of three areas of computer architecture development of parallel algorithms for recurrence embodied in the Kogge-Stone adder, development of the multi-core microprocessor chip and the formalization of methods for designing the control of a computer pipeline.
- Linus Torvalds(2014) :For pioneering development of the Linux kernel using the open-source approach.
- Edward Feigenbaum(2013) :For pioneering work in Artificial Intelligence, including development of the basic principles and methods of knowledge-based systems and their practical applications.
- Edward J. McCluskey(2008):For seminal contributions to the design and synthesis of digital systems over five decades, including the first algorithm for logic synthesis (the Quine-McCluskey method).
- Jeffrey Chuan Chu 朱傳榘(1981):For his early work in electronic computer logic design.
- :
- 郁彬 统计、机器学习、信息论、信号处理、遥感、神经科学和网络研究等领域
- 陈繁昌(ony F Chan)数学造影处理及计算机视像、大规模整合物理设计(VLSI physical design optimization),以及运算大脑制图(computational brain mapping)。
- Hal Abelson与杰拉德·杰伊·萨斯曼和杰拉德·杰伊·萨斯曼的妻子朱莉·萨斯曼合写了一本关于计算机程序设计的总体性观念的基础教科书《计算机程序的构造和解释》(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
- Jürgen Schmidhuber被称为“(现代)AI之父”或“深度学习之父”
- Daphne Koller:电脑视觉和计算生物学
- Michael I. Jordan:指出了机器学习与统计学之间的联系,并推动机器学习界广泛认识到贝叶斯网络的重要性。他还以近似推断变分方法的形式化、最大期望算法在机器学习的普及方面
- Sebastian Thrun:概率机器人,自动驾驶
- Jin-Yi Cai(蔡进一)
- Andrew A. Chien
- Jiawei Han(韩家炜)
- Simon S. Lam (林善成)
- D.T. Lee(李德财
- Ruby B. Lee(李佩露)
- Kai Li(李凯)
- Wen-Mei Hwu(胡文美)
- Yi-Bing Lin(林一平)
- C.L. Liu(刘炯朗):姚期智的老师
- Chung-Jen Tan(譚祟仁)
- Benjamin W. Wah(华云生)
- Jeannette M. Wing(周以真)
- Philip S. Yu俞士纶
- Ming-Syan Chen(陈铭宪)
- Peter Pin-Shan Chen (陈品山)
- Wenfei Fan(樊文飞)
- Tei-Wei Kuo(郭大维)
- Yang, Qiang 杨强
- Lin, Chih-Jen 林智仁
- Liu, Yunhao 刘云浩
- Rung-Tsong Lyu, Michael 吕荣聪
- Wong, Limsoon 黄任祥
- Lui, John Chi-Shing 吕自成
- Deng, Xiaotie 邓小铁
- Gao, Guang 高光荣
- Zhang, HongJiang 张宏江
- Tao Jiang 姜涛
- Ming Li 李明
- Hui Zhang 张辉
- Yi Ma 马毅
- 张世富(Shih-Fu Chang)
- 翟成祥(ChengXiang Zhai)
- Li Erran Li:设计和分析无线网络做出贡献,改进架构,吞吐量和分析
- 张爱东(Aidong Zhang)
- Jingsheng Jason Cong(丛京生)
- Jian Pei裴健
- Huan Liu
- Jiebo Luo罗杰波
- Bing Liu刘兵
- Lei CHEN
- Jingdong Wang 王井东
- Yi Chang(常毅)
- Xiaohua Jia
- Yizhou Yu
- Chen Li
- Yuanyuan Zhou周源源
- Xiaodong Zhang (张晓东)
- Lixia Zhang 张丽霞
- Xiang-Yang Li
- Lili Qiu
- Tian He(何田)
- Lillian Lee
- Sun, Xian-He 孙贤和
- 曹建农
- Zidong Wang(王子栋)
- Ninghui Li 李宁辉
- Y. Charlie Hu 胡禹
- Eric A. Brewer:分布式网络应用,WiLDNet无线网络项目的主要发明者
- Leonard Kleinrock:在计算机网络领域里做出许多杰出贡献,特别是在计算机网络的理论方面。在UCLA的ARPANET研发中他也起到了重要的角色,他是互联网的开创者。
- Peter Norvig:文章《十年自学编程》,作为GOOGLE的研究部主任,主页上还有许多编程的建议
- Robert Sedgewick:老师是高德纳,是普林斯顿大学计算机科学系的建立者,在数学算法分析领域的杰出工作和前沿探索。出版了多本著作
- Amit Singhal: Google的荣誉工程师, 信息检索及其相关的网页搜索、网络图形分析及搜索用户界面等应用。
- Gerard Salton:信息检索领域创始人萨尔顿Gerard Salton研究信息截取检索技术。Amit Singhal的老师。
- Moshe Y. Vardi:His interests focus on applications of logic to computer science, including database theory, finite-model theory, knowledge in multi-agent systems, computer-aided verification and reasoning, and teaching logic across the curriculum. He is an expert in model checking, constraint satisfaction and database theory, common knowledge, and theoretical computer science.
- Karen Spärck Jones: the concept of inverse document frequency, a technology that underlies most modern search engines. "a pioneer of computer science for work combining statistics and linguistics, and an advocate for women in the field."
- Jeffrey D. Ullman:龙书作者(经典),数据库大师;
- Bernard Chazellz:Much of his work is in computational geometry, where he is known for his study of algorithms, such as linear-time triangulation of a simple polygon, as well as major complexity results, such as lower bound techniques based on discrepancy theory. He is also known for his invention of the soft heap data structure and the most asymptotically efficient known algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees.
- Terry Winograd:主要从事人工智能与心灵哲学领域的研究。开发了知名的自然语言理解程序SHRDLU
- Seymour Aubrey Papert:人工智能发展的其中一位先驱。他对智力的观点主要来自让·皮亚杰的影响。他在1968年从LISP语言的基础里创立Logo编程语言。
- Michael J. Freedman:Research interests: distributed systems, networking, security
Douglas Engelbart:He is best known for his work on founding the field of human–computer interaction
Guido van Rossum:the author of the Python programming language.
Dennis M. Ritchie:He created the C programming languag
Bjarne Stroustrup:most notable for the creation and development of the C++ programming language.C++之父
Guido van Rossum:python之父
Edsger W. Dijkstra:“结构程序设计之父”和“先知先觉”(Oracle),他一生致力于把程序设计发展成一门科学。
Andrew S.Tanenbaum:专长于操作系统。他最早以Minix(一个免费用于教学目的的类Unix操作系统)作者的身份以及所编写的计算机科学教科书而为人熟知。他把教学视作自己最重要的一项工作。
Noam Chomsky: Sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics"
Brian Kernighan :《C语言程序设计》,作者:Brian W. Kernighan/Dennis M. Ritchie
Anders Hejlsberg:C#和TypeScript
- Timothy M. Chan:计算几何
- Manuel Blum:密码系统和程序检验先驱,计算复杂性理论的主要奠基人之一
- Alvy Ray Smith:计算机图形学的先驱
- Jim Blinn:计算机图形学的先驱
- Alvy Ray Smith
- Pat Hanrahan: His research focuses on rendering algorithms, graphics processing units, as well as scientific illustration and visualization.
- [Andries van Dam]http://cs.brown.edu/people/avandam/():the first hypertext system, Hypertext Editing System.He also co-founded the precursor of today's ACM SIGGRAPH conference.
- Marc Levoy: He is noted for pioneering work in volume rendering, light fields, and computational photography.
- Ron Fedkiw:
- Ming C. Lin:
Per Brinch Hansen:在并行计算(Concurrent computing)理论及操作系统核心的发展上,有重要地位。
unsung heroes in Dutch computing history.: Many text books and websites provide a short coverage of mainstream computer history. 强烈推荐
- GitHub中文排行榜
- GitHubDaily
- HelloGitHub分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目
- Trending:See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.
- Github Users Global Ranking.
- Git AwardsDiscover your ranking on GitHub
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- papers-we-love
- Github星聚弃疗榜
- Github 中国和全球用户排名
Department of Computer Science and TechnologyProject suggestions
Kevin Duh:Research Career Tips很值得一看
- Baron Schwartz:高性能MySQL(High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication); 施瓦茨 (Baron Schwartz) / 扎伊采夫 (Peter Zaitsev) / 特卡琴科 (Vadim Tkachenko)
- Peter Zaitsev:
- Vadim Tkachenko:
- Keith W.Ross :Computer Networking:A Top-Down Approach James F.Kurose Keith W.Ross
- 推荐计算机科学类的经典书籍:
- Mark Allen Weiss:Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C (Second Edition)本书曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之一,作者Mark Allen Weiss在数据结构和算法分析方面卓有建树.他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到广泛好评.已被世界500余所大学用作教材.
- Shriram Krishnamurthi:Programming Language: Application and Interpretation(PLAI)
- EOPL官方网站:可以直接找到使用这本书的大学课程
- Mitchell Wand:EOPL
- Daniel P. Friedman:EOPL
- Harold Abelson:Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(SICP)
- Gerald Jay Sussman:SICP
- Compiler Design从书
- 深入理解计算机系统Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective:CSAPP
- W. Richard Stevens:UNIX和网络专家;《TCP/IP详解》三卷本
- Programming Language领域的经典教材
- John C. Mitchell
- John C. Reynolds
- Robert Harper:Practical Foundations for Programming Language(圣经)
- Benjamin C. Pierce
- Daniel P. Friedman
- Daniel P. Friedman:Essential of Programming Language(EOPL)
- 有哪些讲编程范式的好书或好文?
- Benjamin C. Pierce圣经四件套:Software FoundationsTypes and Programming LanguageAdvanced Topics of Types and Programming Language(多人撰写)Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists
- Erik Demaine:天才式人物
- Scott Meyers:Effective C++
- Concrete Mathematics:具体数学
- 算法导论Introduction to Algorithms
- Brian Kernighan 《The C Programming Language》;另一位作者是Dennis M. Ritchie
- 大家在计算机学习路上,都看过哪些圣经级别的书?
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum:Operating Systems Design and Implementation;Computer Networks
- Albert S. Woodhull :Operating Systems Design and Implementation
- Abraham Silberschatz :Operating System Concepts
- Peter Baer Galvin:Operating System Concepts
- Robert W. Sebesta:Concepts of Programming Languages
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools:dragonbook
- 五门CS基础课推荐
- John DeNero:CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,Berkeley的经典CS入门课
- Jonathan Shewchuk CS 61BData Structures
- CS61B: Data Structures(2017)
- CS 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)
- Robert Sedgewick
- Kevin Wayne
- CMU 计算机选课上有什么特别好的课程推荐?
- CMU:15-213/18-213/15-513/18-613: Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS)
- CMU 15213 CSAPP
- CMU:15-441/641: Computer Networks (Fall 2017)
- 每个程序员都应该阅读的 10 篇论文
- Aho/Ullman Foundations of Computer Science:cs109a/b of stanford
- 全美最好的五门计算机课程
- 五门CS基础课推荐
CMU Mark Leone's Old Home PageProgramming Language Research;还有Advice on Research and Writing:http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mleone/how-to.html
UMichigan CS 615 - Design And Analysis Of Programming Languages:reading lists 有很多的参考资料,比如《Assigning Meanings to Programs》 (Bob Floyd),其中给出了算法证明借助于断言和归纳法的系统表达,(来自TAOCP)。同样包含这一文章的有
Lambda the Ultimate-The Programming Languages Weblog:宝藏,强烈推荐
- 如何阅读《深入理解计算机系统》这本书?
- Video
- Lab Assignments
- Caltech - Introduction to Computing Systems
- 计算机程序的构造和解释(SICP)Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- 北大的裘宗燕主页上有很多有关于程序语言设计的课程资料,强烈推荐。
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs second edition
- 非官方的HTML5版本
- DeathKing/Learning-SICP:MIT视频公开课《计算机程序的构造和解释》中文化项目及课程学习资料搜集。
- 基于UCB CS61a SICP Python的SICP Python 描述 中文版
- UCB CS61A Python
- NUS CS1101S: Programming Methodology
- SICP-Solutions
- Brian Harvey:CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- 《计算机程序的构造和解释(SICP)》讨论的核心问题是什么?
- SICP 是不是被高估了?
- 有没有一些关于编译原理的书籍、博客的可以推荐?
- 王垠
- Simon Peyton Jones:《The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages》:比SICP简单好多但是知识量毫不逊色
- FP界的大牛Philip Wadler:A critique of Abelson and Sussman
- 一本更有趣的书:Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Case Studies in Common Lisp
- kenpusney i2p-the-book:另一个替代品,GitHub主页为:https://github.com/kenpusney/i2p-the-book
Computer Architecture:WWW Computer Architecture Page 收集了有关Computer Architecture的书籍、学者以及其他资料,强烈推荐
- David A. Patterson:两本书的作者:《 Computer Organization and Design 》与 《Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach》
- John L. Hennessy:同样是上面提到的两本书的作者
- UCB CS61C Spring 2015Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures):
- Harvard CS146 Computer Architecture Spring 2004:以上两门课都给出了较好的教材以及参考资料
- Noam Nisan:《The Elements of Computer Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles》(计算机系统要素——从零开始构建现代计算机)的作者
- Shimon Schocken:上本书的同一作者
- 这是该书的网站From Nand to Tetris:
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum:同样著有《Structured Computer Organization》
- openlib-cs:
- Course Materials for CMPSC 312 Computer Organization and Architecture Spring 2020:有一些链接还是不错的
- Christos Kozyrakis:
- :
Web Resources for Computer Networks
- Columbia CSEE 4119: An Introduction to Computer Networks (Spring 2018)
- MIT6.829: Computer Networks, Fall 2019
- Yale:A Reading List in Computer Networking
- University of Michigan CS 589, Winter 2005: Advanced Computer Networks)
- CS 740: Reading List:Network Design and Architecture
- CMU S268: Computer Networks Spring 1998 READING LIST
- Rutgers552, Fall 2019: Computer Networks
- Dartmouth CS60 Computer Networks -- want to program the Internet? resources
- UCB CS 268: Computer Networks, Fall 2010
- CS 555 - Computer Networks - 2005 Reading List
- Advanced Computer Networks cs 538 spring 2018
- Uchicago CS333: Fall 2019 Graduating Computer Networking:推荐
- Binghamton CS 528 Computer Networks and Data Communication Fall 2007
- Princeton Computer Science 561 Advanced Computer Networks
Data Structures and Algorithms
Algorithms on GitHub:强烈推荐
- CMU 15-451 (Algorithms), Fall 2010:Taught by Manuel Blum who has a Turing Award due to his contributions to algorithms.
- Manuel Blum
Mark Allen Weiss:Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C (Second Edition)本书曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之一,作者Mark Allen Weiss在数据结构和算法分析方面卓有建树.他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到广泛好评.已被世界500余所大学用作教材.
- Michael Goodrich:Course Notes - CS 260P - Fundamentals of Algorithms with Applications
- Jeffrey D. Ullman
- Algorithms and Complexity Group Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
- Bernard Chazelle
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates
- David Mount
- MIT:The Algorithms Group at CSAIL:Erik Demaine。推荐
- CMU 15-721 Database Management Systems:强烈推荐
- Dan Suciu
- Hosagrahar V. Jagadish
- Index of Bibliography TopicsUniversity of Waterloo Database System
Who are some of the most famous database researchers?
- Héctor García-Molina
- Jennifer Widom
- Update on Stanford's Databases MOOC
- CS102: Working With Data - Tools and Techniques
- [CS 345, Winter 2014: Topics in Database Management Systems](https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs345d-01/)
- Michael Stonebraker
- MITData Systems Group
- Readings in Database Systems Fourth Editionthe web supplement to Readings in Database Systems, 4th Edition.强烈推荐
- MIT 6-830-database-systems-fall-2010
- [David J. DeWitt]((http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~pubs/faculty-info/dewitt.html)
- Jeffrey F. Naughton
- Raghu Ramakrishnan
- CS 764, Fall 2019: Topics in Database Management Systems
- CS 744 Big Data Systems - UW Madison, Fall 2018:readings 有诸如mapreduce等的论文资料。
CS 251: Data Analysis and Visualization:主页上有数据集的链接,省去了找的麻烦。
索邦大学:Sorbonne Université:
- 亨利·庞加莱研究所(Henri Poincare Insti-tute/Institut Henri Poincare)L’INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE
巴黎综合理工大学:École Polytechnique
巴黎六大:也称皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学,(法语:Université Paris VI,或Université Pierre et Marie Curie),简称UPMC
苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH ZürichDepartment of Mathematics | ETH Zurich
以色列魏茨曼科学研究所[Weizmann Institute of Science](Weizmann Institute of Science)
希伯来大学Einstein Institute of Mathematics -Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 杨同海:数论和算术几何
- 许进超多层网格法和区域分解法
- 伍鸿熙
- 王慕道
- 金芳蓉
- 李文卿数论、编码理论、自守形式及谱图论。
- 林节玄环论和二次型。
- 刘秋菊代数几何和辛几何
- James Greig Arthur
- Sheldon Axler
- Michael George Aschbacher有限群
- Ingrid Daubechies图像压缩和信号处理的小波变换
- Richard Elman导师为林节玄
- James Glimm
- Harald Andrés Helfgott数论
- William Fulton代数几何
- Nigel Hitchin微分几何,代数几何和数学物理。
- Jürg Martin Fröhlich数学家和理论物理学家
- Arthur Michael Jaffe数学物理
- Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones琼斯多项式;1990 – 获得菲尔茨奖。
- Anatole Borisovich Katok动力系统
- Sergiu Klainerman双曲型偏微分方程和广义相对论
- Elliott H. Lieb 统计力学,凝聚态理论和泛函分析。
- George Lusztig表示论,特别是与代数群相关的对象方面,比如有限约化群、黑克代数、P进数群、量子群和魏尔群等方面。这些研究提出了新的基础概念,包括矩阵等价、德利涅-卢斯蒂格定理和卡日丹-卢斯蒂格多项式
- Ciprian Manolescu拓扑学
- Sorin Popa算子代数
- Richard Melvin Schoen微分几何
- Dana S. Scott 计算机科学、数学和哲学,1976年图灵奖得主。
- William Gilbert Strang
- Steven Strogatz非线性系统
- Daniel Tataru
- Luis Angel Caffarelli偏微分方程及其应用
- Arnaud Beauville代数几何