Repository to test different Docker images.
Project structure:
- hello-app: Spring Boot app with simple REST controller.
- hello-app-native: Spring Boot app with simple REST controller and Native plugin.
- images: printscreens.
- taurus: scenarios script to run Taurus stress test.
- ab-test: script to run a monitored Apache Bench test against a local process.
- always unpack the JAR
First build the app with: sh
Test the app: curl http://localhost:8080/greetings
- OpenJDK
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.openjdk_11 .
- Open J9
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.openj9_11 .
- Open J9 Tuned - CDS
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.openj9_11_tuned .
- Open J9 Tuned - Unpacked, CDS, Lazy Inicialization
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.openj9_11_unpacked_lazy .
- GraalVM 21 - JVM
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.graalvm_21 .
- GraalVM 21 - Native
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.graalvm_native .
- Liberica JVM 21 - AOT and CDS
docker build -t wesleyegberto/hello-app:minimal -f Dockerfile.liberica_21_cds .
Run any of the built Java images binding the port 8080.
Then run stress test with ApacheBench: sh
Monitoring docker stats: docker stats
Here is a sample from stats output after some minutes of idle (on my machine :p).
Under stressing:
Run all containers:
Run Blazemeter container with Taurus tool: sh
- Spring Boot splitting the lib and classes
- Spring Boot Native build
- Spring Boot Native with GraalVM
- Spring Boot with AOT and CDS