1. Follow instructions on Rethink Robotics wiki until Step 6
- Connect Baxter to your workstation using a CAT5 cable and set up a new wired connection as follows:
- Click on 'Edit Connections' in the networking menu and edit the active wired connection.
- Name the connection 'baxter'
- Under the 'General' tab, uncheck 'Automatically connect to this network when it is available'.
- Under the 'IPv4 Settings' tab, select 'Manual' for Method instead of 'DHCP'.
- Under the 'IPv4 Settings' tab, add IP address 169.254.11.xx, subnet mask
- Save and close Network Connections.
- Edit the hosts file and add baxter's IP address with its serial number(which is the hostname).
gksu gedit /etc/hosts <tab> 011504P0022
3. You may now proceed to Step 7 to verify your environment setup.
4. And then onto communicating with Baxter.
For instructions on running the 'Pick and Learn' demo, click here.
If the sonar sensors are on when Baxter startsup you can turn them off with:
rostopic pub /robot/sonar/head_sonar/set_sonars_enabled std_msgs/UInt16 0
To tuck Baxter's arm for storage:
- Enable Baxter if not already enabled:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
- Send the command to tuck arms:
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -t
- To untuck the arms:
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -u
- To disable Baxter:
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -d