This guide provides an overview of options for connecting to Nebula Graph for Java developer.
When developing with this Java driver, please use Java 8+. Depending on the version of Nebula Graph that you are connecting to, you will have to use a different version of this client.
Nebula version | Nebula Java version |
1.0.0-rc2 | 1.0.0-rc2 |
When using Maven, add this to your pom.xml file:
change ${VERSION} here. For more versions, please refer to releases.
Connect to the graphd
GraphClient client = new GraphClientImpl("", 3699);
client.connect("user", "password");
Use a space:
int code = client.switchSpace("space_test");
Execute a query:
int code = client.execute("CREATE TAG course(name string, credits int);");
If query executes seccuessfully, 0
will be returned. For a more complete example, refer to Graph Java client example.