- AE22CP - Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados 1
- AE23CP - Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados 2
- Recursion
- Pointers
- Structures
- Stack & Queue
- With Static & Dynamic Implementations
- Lists
- With Static, Dynamic, Singly Linked, Doubly Linked, Circular Linked Implementations
- Sorting Algorithms
- Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort Implementations
- Hash Tables
- With Linear Probing & With Separate Chaining Implementations
- Graphs
- With Adjacency List Implementation
- Searching Algorithms
- Binary Search, Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm & Prim Algorithm Implementations
- The Walking Dead
- Duckter (Twitter from Pato Branco)
- Graphs With Adjacency List Implementation
- Graph Applications (Searching, Dijkstra, Prim)
- C