- 💬 Ask me about
- Google Workspace for personal, team, small organizations use.
- Google Apps Script and Google Editors (Docs, Forms, Sheets, Slides).
- Personal Developement Plans on using Computers (including mobile devices, programming, etc.).
Now I'm exploring:
- Using this ✨ special ✨ GitHub's repository. It's special because GitHub shows README.md, this file, on my GitHub profile.
- Sponsorship platforms (GitHub, Buy me a coffee, ...).
- Using Obsidian, a note taking app that is highly customizable and that has a thriving community of open source pluging creators to share markdown notes using this repository. You can find this notes in the notes folder. The starting page is Welcome.md.
- Userscripts. They are not new for me, but I haven't use them too much. Recently I revisted this topic looking for an effective way to export Stack Overflow posts to an Obsidian vault. You can find the resulting script on the userscripts folder, or following this link: exportToObsidian.user.js.