This is my attempt for make shared repo between Mac and Linux (Archlinux) workstations. After several years I've found wonderful tool rcm to manage my configuration files.
I just use standard GUI on Mac and i3wm on Linux machine. I would like to try in the future bspwm and chunkwm
My choice is kitty. It uses GPU to render terminal text (I'm not kidding, it's a XXI century) and has many good improvements such a OCS-52 support (I can copy data from remote host to local clipboard as usually do), underlines (good for spell-checking and error highlighting using with Language Servers).
Moreover is has common look-and-feel for both Mac OS and Linux (sorry MS fans).
Fonts kit for Archlinux:
pacman -S ttf-croscore ttf-dejavu ttf-ubuntu-font-family ttf-inconsolata
ttf-liberation --noconfirm
As I use both Mac and Linux I tried to use same keyboard in both cases. So I've bought MLA22LL/A and my muscle memory is happy.
Using vim-plug as plugin manager.
- Completion of built-in JavaScript and TypeScript methods likeMath.sin
and custom methods from the current project.