📱 In 2022, I got a chance to become a cohort of Mobile Development path in Bangkit. I get a token to learn in Dicoding class: Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android. I am very happy for it, I learn a lot and add other material from youtube for exploring this Android world and seeking answer of my curiosity. Here some things :
• Activity,Intent,Fragment
• Layouting
• Navigation
• Testing (Unit Testing and UI testing)
• Database Room
• Networking (Retrofit)
• Composable
• etc
🔊 Song in Video : ADELE - EASY ON ME (Keroncong) Cover by Ferachocolatos and Friends
📱 The Left one is about Dicoding Class Study case, it is about GithubUser application. Using API provided by Github to show a user and its detail. There is Room database for storing data of favorite user. It need to be implemented with MVVM. There is theme preference(Light/Night). 📱 The right is an app about Note that built by following Youtube tutorial. This is new things for me, the layout built by composable and it is Clean Architecture. When tested on MAD Board, It gets an awesome result👇.
📗 Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android
📗 Philipp Lackner
📗 Stevdza-San