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Add trace internal capabilities
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wilkerlucio committed Jan 4, 2024
1 parent d111d97 commit a50211d
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Showing 4 changed files with 320 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .cljstyle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
smart-map [[:inner 0]]
some [[:inner 0]]
swap! [[:inner 0]]
t/with-span! [[:inner 0]]
update [[:inner 0]]
update-in [[:inner 0]]}}

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions resources/clj-kondo.exports/com.wsscode/pathom3/config.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{:lint-as {com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation/defmutation clojure.core/defn
com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation/defresolver clojure.core/defn
com.wsscode.pathom3.plugin/defplugin clojure.core/def
com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/with-span! clojure.core/let
com.wsscode.promesa.macros/clet clojure.core/let
com.wsscode.promesa.macros/ctry clojure.core/try}}
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions src/main/com/wsscode/pathom3/trace.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
(ns com.wsscode.pathom3.trace
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[com.fulcrologic.guardrails.core :refer [>def]]
[com.wsscode.misc.coll :as coll]
[com.wsscode.misc.refs :as refs]
[com.wsscode.misc.time :as time])

; region specs

(>def ::type #{::type-close-span

(>def ::attributes (s/keys))
(>def ::span-id string?)

(>def ::timestamp pos-int?)
(>def ::start-time ::timestamp)
(>def ::end-time ::timestamp)

(>def ::events (s/coll-of (s/keys)))

(>def ::name string?)
(>def ::error string?)

(>def ::parent-span-id ::span-id)

(>def ::trace* "Atom holding trace data" refs/atom?)

; endregion

; region id generation

(defn generate-bytes
"Generates a 64-bit Span ID for OpenTelemetry."
(let [random-bytes (byte-array size)]
(.nextBytes (SecureRandom.) random-bytes)

(defn bytes-to-hex
"Converts a byte array to a hex string."
(apply str "0x" (mapv #(format "%02x" (bit-and 0xFF %)) byte-array))))

(defn new-trace-id []
#?(:clj (bytes-to-hex (generate-bytes 16))
:cljs (gensym "trace-id")))

(defn new-span-id []
#?(:clj (bytes-to-hex (generate-bytes 8))
:cljs (gensym "span-id")))

; endregion

(defn add-signal!
"Adds a signal to the trace. This is a low-level function, you should use the other functions to add signals to the trace."
[{::keys [trace* parent-span-id]} entry]
(when trace*
(swap! trace* conj (assoc entry ::timestamp (time/now-ms)
::parent-span-id parent-span-id))))

(defn open-span!
"Opens a new span and adds it to the trace. Returns the span id."
[env span]
(let [id (new-span-id)]
(add-signal! env (-> span
(assoc ::span-id id)
(update ::attributes assoc :com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path (get env :com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []))))

(defn close-span!
"Closes a span and adds it to the trace."
[env span-id]
(add-signal! env {::type ::type-close-span ::close-span-id span-id}))

(defn under-span
"Returns a new environment setting the context span id."
[env span-id]
(assoc env ::parent-span-id span-id))

(defmacro with-span!
"Opens a new span and closes it after the body is executed. The span id is bound to the environment.
(t/with-span! [env {::t/env env}]
[[sym span] & body]
`(if-let [env# (get ~span ::env)]
(let [span# (dissoc ~span ::env)
span-id# (open-span! env# span#)
res# (let [~sym (under-span env# span-id#)]
(close-span! env# span-id#)
(throw (ex-info "With span requires environment as part of the data" {})))))

(s/fdef with-span!
:args (s/cat :binding (s/tuple simple-symbol? any?) :body any?)
:ret any?))

(defn log!
"Adds a log entry to the trace. This will end up as an event to the current span."
[env log-entry]
(add-signal! env (assoc log-entry ::type ::type-log)))

(defn set-attributes! [env & {:as attributes}]
(add-signal! env {::type ::type-set-attributes
::attributes attributes}))

(defn fold-trace
"Folds the trace data into spans. This materializes the trace data, making it suitable for usage."
(let [{:keys [top-level props]}
(-> (reduce
(fn [out {::keys [type] :as entry}]
(case type
(::type-log ::type-set-attributes)
(update-in out [:props (::parent-span-id entry)] coll/vconj entry)

(update-in out [:props (::close-span-id entry)] coll/vconj entry)

; else
(update out :top-level conj! (set/rename-keys entry {::timestamp ::start-time}))))
{:top-level (transient [])
:props {}}
(update :top-level persistent!))]
(->> top-level
(fn [entry]
(if-let [props (get props (::span-id entry))]
(fn [entry {::keys [type] :as ext}]
(case type
(update entry ::events coll/vconj (dissoc ext ::parent-span-id))

(update entry ::attributes merge (::attributes ext))

(assoc entry ::end-time (::timestamp ext))))
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions test/com/wsscode/pathom3/trace_test.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
(ns com.wsscode.pathom3.trace-test
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[com.wsscode.misc.time :as time]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.trace :as t]))

(deftest add-signal!-test
(testing "adds when trace* is present"
(with-redefs [time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(t/add-signal! env {::t/log "test"})
(is (= @trace* [{::t/log "test"
::t/timestamp 123
::t/parent-span-id nil}])))))

(testing "does not add when trace* is not present"
(with-redefs [time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {}]
(t/add-signal! env {::t/log "test"})
(is (= @trace* []))))))

(deftest open-span!-test
(testing "opens a span and adds it to the trace"
(with-redefs [t/new-span-id (constantly "span-id")
time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(is (= (t/open-span! env {::t/log "test"})
(is (= @trace* [{::t/log "test"
::t/timestamp 123
::t/parent-span-id nil
::t/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
::t/span-id "span-id"}]))))))

(deftest close-span!-test
(testing "closes a span and adds it to the trace"
(with-redefs [t/new-span-id (constantly "span-id")
time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(t/close-span! env "span-id")
(is (= @trace* [{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/close-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-close-span}]))))))

(deftest under-span-test
(testing "returns a new environment setting the context span id"
(let [env {::t/parent-span-id "span-id"}]
(is (= (t/under-span env "span-id-2")
{::t/parent-span-id "span-id-2"})))))

(deftest with-span!-test
(testing "opens a new span and closes it after the body is executed"
(with-redefs [t/new-span-id (constantly "span-id")
time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(t/with-span! [env {::t/env env}]
(t/log! env {::t/name "test"}))
(is (= @trace*
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/name "test"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-log}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/close-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-close-span}]))))))

(deftest log!-test
(testing "adds a log entry"
(with-redefs [t/new-span-id (constantly "span-id")
time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(t/log! env {::t/name "test"})
(is (= @trace*
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/name "test"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-log}]))))))

(deftest set-attributes!-test
(testing "adds an attribute set entry"
(with-redefs [t/new-span-id (constantly "span-id")
time/now-ms (constantly 123)]
(let [trace* (atom [])
env {::t/trace* trace*}]
(t/set-attributes! env :some-attr "value")
(is (= @trace*
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:some-attr "value"}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-set-attributes}]))))))

(deftest fold-trace-test
(testing "closes spans"
(is (= (t/fold-trace
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/close-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 1234
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-close-span}])
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []},
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil,
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id",
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/start-time 123,
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/end-time 1234}])))

(testing "add log to span"
(is (= (t/fold-trace
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/name "test"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 124
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-log}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/close-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 125
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-close-span}])
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []},
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil,
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id",
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/start-time 123,
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/events [{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []},
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/name "test",
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 124,
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-log}],
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/end-time 125}])))

(testing "set attributes of span"
(is (= (t/fold-trace
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:some-attr "value"}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 123
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-set-attributes}
{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/close-span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/timestamp 125
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type :com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/type-close-span}])
[{:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/attributes {:com.wsscode.pathom3.path/path []
:some-attr "value"}
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/end-time 125
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/parent-span-id nil
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/span-id "span-id"
:com.wsscode.pathom3.trace/start-time 123}]))))

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